jing yi's answer page 4 (276)
i mean i sent my phone number over discord like three times, i aint worried about anything really
24 01,2021
no no. love between consenting humans is perfectly fine and normal. children/minors CANT CONSENT. pedophilia should not be compared to queerness because of that big difference. pedophilia is a crime and if youre talking religiously a sin. u can be both queer and a pedo but queer = pedophilia is a no. if ur a man you dont need to marry a woman. you ......
04 07,2021
if you dont shut up your nut case looking ass lips up ill personally feed you sticky rice
26 04,2021
1. i know this webstie has nsfw works on it but tbh you sound like youre 10
2. this isnt a place to really be talking about kinks bc there could legit be pedos on here
3. we arent tinder, we arent going to find your "daddy"
if you really want to find a sex friend or something just go on tinder dear lord also i dont care if op is a troll, im talkin......
12 02,2021
bro i think it was on this movie (fake) that this guy had a fetishize for like visually disfigured women, idk why just go with it
27 01,2021
you learn, contribute and repent
08 05,2021
IF YOU LIKE HIM BACK DATE? i have literallh no romance experience but there
01 06,2021
fuck em. ive seen so many of them go so wrong online like kpop idols, dmsp, etc. its so weird and they get out of hand. i feel a parasocial relationship is only healthy when done in moderation. like they dont go into the persons dms and send weird shit. or create fan fiction/fan art. by weird shit mean it as sexual. people who have their dms needs ......
27 05,2021
edit: NEVER MIND OMG PARAPILA YOU SCARED ME. this question is a joke :') yall dont need to answer.
are you confused? most bl or just yaoi/shounen ai is EASTERN ASIAN???? theres no word for bussy in those countries unlike usa because queer culture isnt as developed and long standing. correct me if im wrong but most of those countries arent as adva......
1 reply
30 06,2021
idk ill get a job either way to just buy manga/hua/hwa and food. or just go on tapas to watch ads to pay for the chapters
23 01,2021
isnt the setting of aot based off of europe/germany, also he couldnt be black/mixed bc tbh he looks pale as a snow rat and the story behind one of the female characters is that shes the ONLY asian left. so imma ask this: how do you make a white person whiter?
15 02,2021
as a female (its complicated) fag myself wtf- YALL THIS WEBSITE CRASHING FR
24 04,2021
i wish school taught this- i found out what a lot of lgbtqai+ terms meant by google, best belief me i aint going to ask my (mostly) trumpie school about what being bisexual, lesbian and gay meant
24 01,2021
https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/affect-vs-effect-usage-difference im too lilttle brain to explain but here
25 01,2021
CALM DOWN LMAOO its not something to be so angry at. also this is coming from somebodys whos straight and cis-female passing. tiktok aint that powerful when its literally just some 13 yr old boys being pos.
24 04,2021
pffttt just delete it then or unfollow its not rlly that big of a deal other then embarassment ig
1 reply
24 01,2021