jing yi's answer page 2 (276)
27 05,2021
i dont need a white & straight 14 yr old to save my ass. also its queer people btw not gay people. you need to get off your high horse and act like we are actual humans instead of a way to get clout. pls just fuck off.
28 05,2021
ig someone from the clown act got fired already
06 05,2021
uhm as a chinese person, no? im sorry but paying for all those funerals would cost a shit ton of money. if they had to the gov would have to tax the citizens of china a fuck ton when they legit did nothing wrong. only a small number of people actually ate the bats or whatever at that exotic meat place. so imagine taxing about 1.4 billion people... ......
09 02,2021
i was late for the bus so i waited outside of my school for two fucking hours in the rain until my father picked me up
30 06,2021
if i would go to the past it really depends on how long ago it was, if im only availible to go back before the 2000s i aint goin. why? because im chinese and bi, like seriously ill be called a chink and a faggot and im sorry but that aint it sis. so yes im going to the future bitches
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24 01,2021
one way to ruin my whole day is bringing up that im chinese in class to "make a point." some of my classmates literally have to bring up covid in science class when we arent talking about anything related to viruses or diseases. thats a form of racism even if it doesnt seem that harmful at first glance. youre pretty much singling out a single perso......
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09 05,2021
uhm what about your dick tho? i cant imagine having glue on your dick to be that painless, tho you could sue them for your medical bills...
09 02,2021
you sound like you straight up trumatized or got this hella weird fear of women. idk man get a therapist/psychologist? therapists arent always just for depressed people, anyone can get one lol.
26 02,2021
never forget that milk before cereal is top tier.
3 reply
30 06,2021
y/n makes me wanna go blast seventeen by ladytron until i just forget whats happening and vibe to the music
17 06,2021
if yall have cake ill attend
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26 05,2021
i came out to my friends and my step cousins and theyre supportive. i will NEVER do it with my parents tho they did allow me to buy a pride flag (they prob didnt know what it meant and just thought it was a rainbow flag.)
09 05,2021
the people who say that always act like they dgaf either and its literally so annoying?? if you really did then you wouldnt even be on the forum or answer the question at all.
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26 05,2021
give me some screen shots and then ill believe you bc the few adults ive seen on here are uhh idk mature and chill adults? like kyozana and celeste as examples. yall really acting like the 18+ people on mangago give a fuck what teenage strangers think of them bc of their age
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07 05,2021
nah as much as i love my friends on here i would rather live on the streets and by the skin of my teeth
14 05,2021
youre absolutely disgusting so i present: klee, qiqi, and diona being absolutely adorable. i hope you get some help and learn average human decency kittencaboodle because you. are. a. hot. mess.
17 06,2021
i replied on some comment that said something like this agreeing and people came for our throatsss. still doesnt mean its untrue tho.
1 reply
09 02,2021
you dont have to believe me or anything- just wanted to spill i guess the tea? i tried my best with recollecting the situation because i forget to ss everything. edit: ill try to add stuff i didnt talk about in the original question because i wrote it in a hurry. when i talked about IanA saying that some dude or whatever (ill just call them k from ......
22 01,2021