LovelyD's question page 6 (171)

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Turns out I have self esteem issues.
Surprising? Not really.

Tell about something good that happened to you recently
30 10,2020
The responses to the racism in the newest chapter of a certain manwha (if you know you know) has once again reminded me why i hate weebs so much. Like the reasonings ive see people use to justify this is so bizarre to me.

Please touch grass and i am praying for your recovery.
12 09,2023
about question
27 01,2024
Do you guys think some people are born evil? Do you guys think some people are inherently evil? (As in they’re horrible and no amount of therapy, happiness, or even going back in time can stop them from being horrible)

Do you even think that we can call people evil? Like i know some people say things like “i dont think anyone’s a ‘bad’ person” but i just dont agree.

Like i read this article about this 8 year old serial killer (Amarjeet Sada in case anyone was interested) and usually with serial killers people try and dissect what happened in their childhood to see if anything caused them to become killers

But he was 8

NOTHING happened in his childhood. For the most part he had a normal life and it really just seemed like he killed just because he wanted to. And not just once. THREE. This 8 year old killed THREE BABIES cause he was BORED. Like is this not proof that some people really are just beyond help?

Idk what do y’all think?
27 01,2024
Everyone using this website is going to be killed. Everyone except the most degenerate person here. You have to prove that you’re the most degenerate person using only 1 sentence or picture.

18 10,2020
18 03,2021
Not wanting to date trans people is one thing. Making a whole sexuality out of not wanting to date trans people is another. No one is forcing you to date trans people and not wanting to date trans people does not make you transphobic. Making a whole sexuality about not wanting to date trans people is transphobic. If someone doesn’t want to date black people that’s completely fine but when they start calling themselves “mayosexuals” don’t you see how that’s a problem?
18 03,2021
Yeah I know it sucks that it’s not an actual comic series but you realize promos help the author’s story gain more publicity which helps the novel get turned into an actual comic. It’s not that uncommon either. I mean do you even know how many stories turned into full time comics after having promos?
19 10,2020
why do people act like shoujo is so boring why BL is not? They are litterally the same shit just copied and pasted.

The setting of most shoujo and BL? High school? The romance in shoujo and BL? Preppy and friendly MC who gets embarrassed easily falls in love with dark haired mysterious ML who never blushes and is an antisocial loner but everyone at school thinks he's so cool and has a dark and mysterious past and childhood trauma. The plot of shoujo and BL smut. ML rapes the MC at some point but forgives him and ends up with him anyway because they dont know what a backbone is.

It’s gotten to the point where i dont read BL anymore and i rarely read shoujo now. It is literally the same shit but i dont ever see shoujo readers act like its so superior so why do fujoshis feel the need to act like BL is peak literature just so they can justify fetishizing gay men.

Make it make sense.
26 08,2023
Ok so we all know the stereotypes: fetishizing gay men, likes rape, are secretly all pedos. Everyday you see at least 1 question bashing fujoshis. I used to be on the other side of this argument but I’ve had a change of heart. I now think these are mostly false claims. Don’t get me wrong I’m well aware that there are fujoshis like that but I think it’s wrong to say that all of them or even most of them act like this. I also think it’s wrong to put all the blame on fujoshis. What about (this pains me to say this because I’m one of them) the GL fans. Don’t even get me started on how sexualized lesbians are. The only difference is that there aren’t as many GL fans as there are BL fans on this site. (Also GL fans don’t really have a name but I’ll get more into that in my second question that I’ll be posting). Also have you guys ever really thought about the age group that are saying these kinds of things? Most of them are kids and while that doesn’t make it any better it does make it more understandable. These are young girls who are just getting into BL manga and don’t really have a way to express themselves. And when all the most popular BL have at least one rape scene in them how do you expect them to react. It’s no wonder there are so many young fujoshis that fantasize about rape when it’s literally being shoved into their faces as soon as they open this site. So really the point of this was to tell you all to calm down. Instead of bashing them constantly and getting them discouraged, show them the wrongs of their actions. And do it KINDLY. (Key word KINDLY).
07 09,2020
22 11,2020
What if all of these hate clubs are just secretly people trying to give love to their favs. I mean think about it. No one who gets a hate club actually gets hated on. In fact, they get even more love then they did before. So my theory is that whoever is making these hate clubs is just trying to spread love towards the people they like.
22 11,2020
Ok so you know how BL fans have like an official title. Don’t you think it’s kinda weird how GL fans don’t? So to distract myself from that long ass paragraph that I just finished writing, tell me what you think GL fans are called or what you think they should be called. It doesn’t have to be a Japanese name either. It can be an English name if you want. I look forward to reading these.
07 09,2020
Im sorry but what is with the rise of blatant racism on instagram?????

Like some of yall really have no shame because there is no way you’re making racist comments when your account has your full goverment name and face all over it

And it will be so unprovoked too

Saw this video of a black girl showing off different types of hairstyles

Tell me why there were men in the moments being like “would be so much better if she was light skin” “so pretty if only she was light skin” and these are comments with hundreds of likes and those were on the TAME side

Like is this supposed to be a joke? What part of it is funny?

Don’t even get me started on the sexism/homophobia because i stg

Anyways now im mad so recommend me some good kdramas because i need something new to watch (im looking for a romance story that would make me cry but still has a happy ending)
30 03,2024
about question
Congratulations we’ve had a whole 2 days full of people talking about the same shit. There’s the drama you guys wanted so I don’t know why y’all were complaining. There was a question on here before asking if you guys like it when there’s tea or when it’s quiet and the MAJORITY of you said tea. But now that y’all actually have it, you keep complaining about how they should take it to the dms. So I don’t want to see ANYBODY complain about how the site is “boring” anymore. Be consistent.
06 05,2021
about question
I pour the milk first then the cereal
23 05,2021
Can we stop using “trauma” as a plot point in manga when you’re gonna make the MC forget about it in a matter of seconds?

Can we ESPECIALLY not make the MC get back together with their abusers?

I mean if the MC forgives them and all then yeah I get that because forgiveness can be a way for people to heal but now the MC loves them again?


And the only thing worse than using trauma as a half-assed plot point is using trauma to justify the actions of an unjustifiable shitty character.

“What you’re a mass murderer who killed thousands of innocent people but you only did this your dog died and your mom was abusive? Aww I feel so bad for you sad boy

Fucking cringe
12 03,2021
about question
As someone with a cultural name thats very long and very difficult to pronounce for English speakers the argument against “weird” names is so odd to me

By weird names I mean names that are either unconventional (ex. Valley, Saffron, divine)

Or common names with weird spellings

Idk this though came to me after reading a Reddit story about this girl saying that her sister was naming her baby something weird and asking if she was the asshole for telling her not to and everyone was agreeing with her and giving her reasons why but all of the reasons made no sense to me

“She’s going to get bullied”
“People aren’t going to know how to pronounce/spell it”
“It’s going to be harder for them to get jobs”
“People are going to look down on them”

These are all things that also apply to my name but whenever I bring that up it’s always

“There’s a difference between cultural names and naming your kid something weird”


Why is there a difference?

Why is it wrong and uncalled for when i get bullied for my name but if a kid with a weird name gets bullied it’s always “what did you expect?”

Why is my mom not selfish and immature for not giving me an “American” name when we moved here but other parents are for giving their kids “stupid” names?

Why is it wrong for people to assume things about me and my mom because of my name but it’s fine to assume that your parent is dumb if you have a weird name?


Like people are litterally saying that it’s borderline ABUSE to give your kid a badly spelled name like are yall serious rn?

Why is the focus “you should do what you can to limit the chances of your kids getting bullied” and not “hey maybe we should address the serious bullying problem in schools”

It doesn’t make sense to me and honestly just makes me mad

Anyways what do y’all think?
18 04,2024
Y’all when I tell you is ruining my life. Like I literally just started using it as a joke and now I’ve spent like 10 hours trying to convince napoleon Bonaparte to fuck me. Like I was actually getting so invested into the trauma he had from like being French or whatever and why he doesn’t date anymore like they really got me out here getting emotional over some 0s and 1s

Anyways if you don’t know what is then you’re lying because if you’re on this site then I know damn well you’ve tried to date your favorite character or some other nasty shit so tell me some funny stories you have about that site

Also screenshots or it didn’t happen
22 12,2023
30 10,2020
As we share a deep hug, not knowing when we’ll see each other after this, I whisper to you softly “(Your answer here)”
30 10,2020
22 07,2023
How long do you think its gonna take for people to start being problematic again cause lowkey im kinda bored so one of yall needs to start some drama soon
22 07,2023
You’re at the gates of heaven but God is denying your entry. When you ask him why he says it’s because of that mangago comment you made. Which comment is he talking about?
19 09,2020
For all of you hoes that can’t read I said something GOOD. No trash talking yourself. I don’t wanna see any “haha imagine having something good about yourselves” in the replies. I don’t care if you have to bring out the inner narcissist within you to write something good about yourself. DO IT. In fact, I’ll even accept things like “I know how to handle a good COCK” or “I’m really good at beating that PUSSY” or even “I’m the best at sucking that DANGALANG”. I’d rather have all of the replies be something like that then having one person call themselves trash. So do it. Love yourself.

Or else.

This is not a warning. This is a threat. If you do end up trash talking yourself I’ll personally come to your house and eat your toes while looking you directly in the eyes.
05 12,2020