LovelyD's question page 4 (170)

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Guys when I said “which one is your favorite character” I meant from the game “your turn to die” that’s why I named the question “your turn to die”
18 11,2020
The girl from diabolik lovers or the girl from brothers conflict
14 01,2021
30 12,2020
30 12,2020
about question
Yall can you guys recommend me a shoujo manga where the MC isnt all like “Kyaa handholding??? No we cantttt ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄” like dont get me wrong its cute sometimes but im sick of reading the same type of manga where they have some stupid shit like the MC passing out just because she got kissed. She doesnt need to be mean or badass or anything i just dont want her to act like…..that.

Also it specifically needs to be in a school setting which is probably why im struggling to find a manga like that.
05 04,2024
So ever since I discovered that trans people exist as a kid, sexuality stopped making sense to me. Like for example say you’re only attracted to one gender and your partner is that certain gender. You love your pratner a lot and they love you too but one day they find out that they’re trans and they want to transition (correct me if that’s not how that works). You’re not gonna leave them because they want to transition are you? You fell in love with them because of their personality right? And if you do leave them because they want to transition were you really in love with them in the first place? So that’s why I think saying that you only love certain genders doesn’t make sense. In my opinion I think sexuality works more like types. Like someone saying they like girls with blonde hair doesn’t mean they only like girls with blonde hair. That’s just their preferred type of girl. You get what i mean. Although a big reason of why I don’t get sexuality might be because I’m bi. I don’t know dude. Tell me what you think.
26 09,2020
25 11,2020
Ok but have you ever thought about how scary losing your toes would be? Think of all the things you wouldn’t be able to do without your toes. Also because people rarely see each other’s feet it would be like that on flaw that you had but no ones else had and only you would now about it. Like a sleep per Alyssia demon. If someone tells you they coming for your toes don’t take that shit lightly. They mean war,
25 11,2020
Can someone recommend me a different site where I can read manga and talk to people about it with less bullshit and (preferably) more yuri readers?
18 09,2020
So as I’ve been reading comments and questions in here I’ve been starting to notice a pattern. Most of the random shit posted on here are posted by the same people. However, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE. Which one of the messed up weebs on this site do you guys think is the greatest shitposter?
31 08,2020
24 01,2021
16 07,2021
I was gonna make a question about how everyone should take a break and love themselves and feel liberated or whatever and it was really long but when I posted it most of it fucking disappeared cause I used an emoji. So screw being nice, fuck you and your entire blood line.

And not in the good way you horny fucks.
16 07,2021
Yall I’ve been reading a lot of revenge stories recently and it made me have 2 story ideas that i want to read so please tell me if there are any stories like this and if there aren’t ill just make it myself

1. Story where some who the MC loves ends up being a bad person

I really want a story where there’s someone who the MC cares about and who genuinely cares about them as well (not that “it was a lie all along” bs) but the MC finds out they are actually a horrible person (and i mean ACTUALLY horrible not that “my mom was mean to me” shit knock it off). I mean horrible horrible as in the people they’re hurting aren’t bad people and there’s no good justification for what they do.

2. Story where someone who hurt the MC really badly in the past genuinely changed and is a good person now

I hate those bully revenge stories where the MC meets them later in life and for some reason they havent changed at all in the past 15 years. Like I’m not saying it can’t happen but like common not all of them same the same. Some of them really do change and i haven’t been able to find a story where the MC realizes that they have truly changed and has to deal with that so help me find one yall. Bonus points if the MC struggles to forgive/come to terms with them changing while the character tries to atone for what they did. Extra bonus points if there’s romance.

P.S. it doesn’t have to be a bully just someone who hurt the MC a lot in the past

And if yall cant find any stories like that ill do it myself
28 09,2023
13 02,2024
Yall….am i leading people on?????

Like i have this friend (or i guess ex friend now) who i got really close to recently and i really just thought of her as a good FRIEND but i asked her to hang out on Thursday and she sent me a text being like

“hey i really like you and like hanging out with you but i dont think we should continue this relationship because of our age gap like i know it’s just 3 years but it’s kinda bothering me. Sorry if i led you on”

And I’m just sitting here like….


Like i didnt even know she liked girls?????

And i cant tell if this came out of left field or if i was just oblivious the whole time?????

Like when we were alone i did notice that she would get really touchy with me but it was never like “inappropriate” or anything and i have friends who are like that so i just thought “oh shes just one of those types of people”

The worst part is that it isn’t even the first time something like this has happened

I was talking to one of my friends about this and she said “i mean you kinda have a flirty personality” LIKE WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??????

Idek anymore

Also tmrw is my birthday so happy birthday to me i guess
13 02,2024
about question
What is the second best female MC you’ve seen

I say second best because first is obviously the queen herself Reirin from “Though I am an Inept Villainess ~Tale of the Butterfly-Rat Swap in the Maiden Court~” but i wanna see who the runner ups are

Anyways shoutout to women gotta be one of my favorite genders
27 07,2023
29 03,2024
I’m sorry but what is it with good manga having the most





I was reading “I’m in love with the villainess” and I’ve really been enjoying it so far

The way they explain sexuality in the story is actually really accurate in a way that I wasn’t expecting from a manga (they don’t do the “I love you not because I’m gay but because you’re you” bs that I hate)

It was doing so good

And then it had to compare same sex relationships with incest relationships as a way to justify the latter.

But like why???????

I literally thought it was gonna go the “oh they love each other but they’re 2 different classes so they can’t be together” which would have made a lot more sense but nooooo it had to be “oh they love each other but THEYRE FUCKING FULLY BLOOD RELATED SIBLINGS so they can’t be together”

And I hate the argument of “oh y’all are ok with murder/suicide/(insert bad thing here) but incest is crossing the line????”

Yes hoe, because unlike those things incest seems to be the only one that’s shown as a good thing (with the exception being murder sometimes but even then it’s always seen as either self defense or justified revenge)

Like just say you wanna kiss your brother at this point

I was gonna add to this and talk about how SA is used as a justified punishment for evil female characters in a lot of good manga but that’s another story for a different day.
29 03,2024
Have you guys ever taken a step back just to read some of the arguments on mangago? This shit is hella interesting. I once made a question saying that it’s stupid for people to argue with each other on mangago but I take everything I said back. If you want to argue with people argue with them cause even if you’re getting nowhere with that argument at least it’s entertaining to watch. It’s like I’m watching a free reality tv show. Trust me if you can find a way to detach yourself from whatever they’re arguing about and just read the comments it’s really amusing. Tell me about some of the most interesting, funniest, or dumbest argument you’ve read in this site.
26 09,2020
24 09,2020
Since everyone’s calling out everyone now I decided to call you out. Yes, you. I’m talking about you. You stinky ass bitch. Don’t think I didn’t see you kick that ice cube under the fridge at 3 am in the morning. You could have been a decent human being and picked up but nooooo. You were too tired. Well guess what. Now I’m coming for you and your toes. So hand them over.
24 09,2020
10 02,2024
Yall i love being a hater so much and im tired of pretending i dont

Everyday i wake up hoping to spread negativity and ruin people’s lives

But everytime i wanna be a hater bitches always wanna be like “let people enjoy things” “Karma will come back to bite you” “if you keep taking a shit on my lawn I’m going to call the cops” blah blah blah like shut up

Anyways pookie bears how many 8 year olds do you think you could take in a fight?
10 02,2024
22 11,2020
For all you hoes who don’t have their own hate club yet. This is for. I see you. I know you have over 50 homework assignments to turn in. But instead of doing them you’re gonna make another horny ass question. Smh.
22 11,2020
Bro fuck farsighted people all my homies hate farsighted people

Like nearsighted makes sense cause the further away something is obviously it’s gonna be harder to see

But you’re telling me this shit is right in front of your eyes and you STILL can’t see it??????

Dumb bitch

Also this post has nothing to do with the fact that I recently found out that I apparently need glasses
30 04,2024
22 09,2023
Yall I’ve seen mangas do yuri bait before but i have never seen yuri bait as bad as Tsurenai Kanojo no Hitoijime

Even you don’t know but fuck about this manga i need you to read the latest chapter and tell me these bitches aren’t gay as fuck

Like i legit had to double check the tags to make sure this wasn’t yuri. I’m fucking tired of authors doing this man

Still gonna read it though cause its really good
22 09,2023