Smou's answer (4)

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I mean it's his choice. I don't think you need to take it so seriously. As long as he doesn't force other people to do anything, you can just let him do whatever he wants to do. He's responsible for himself after all. I don't really get why it makes you so uncomfortable tho lolol   1 reply
07 03,2019
Obviously scenarios in manga are often overdramatic for the sake of entertainment. That's kind of why it's fictional. But it's a big world and when you hear certain stories people tell you, you realize that people are stupid and crazy, so the crazy shit that happens in yaoi isn't always so unlikely. Either way, since we're talking about love, it's ......   reply
07 03,2019
I'm bi and a female and looking at the manga I own... Shoujo. The magic of shoujo really is the most effective in manga, it's something anime just can't copy. Of course I read BL and GL as well. Other than that mystery of fantasy series', the stuff that doesn't really have a chance of getting an anime adoptation. Anything with a good story is fine ......   reply
07 03,2019
07 03,2019
I recommend anything by Kanna Kii. I actually dunno if they're uploaded here, but they're beautiful stories and very charming   reply
07 03,2019