Inka's answer (2)

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I don't know, if you really want to change yourself go for it but there is no rush to lose your virginity. For me, I have been thinking about it more, but in the end I am scared of pregnancy and STDs and plus I want to do it with someone I care about. I watched a soap opera episode just a bit ago where these friends are saying, If you haven't had s......   reply
07 05,2019
As of now, no one knows. I’m not sure how my family will take it, especially since they can go from loving to super critical in a snap. And I am afraid of gossip cuz I’m a coward so no one at college knows. I do read it in public, carefully, though. I think I’m afraid because of how explicit the yaoi content can be, especially compared to sho......   1 reply
16 03,2019