Seonji❀'s answer page 2 (50)
Tried DMT my first year at university with a handful of people on my dorm floor, I’ve done other psychedelics but this trip ended up being real strong.
I had to pee before the peak and I forgot that the bathroom/toilet is a thing so without thinking about it, I just started to pee right on the spot. Which was on the bed.
I remember I was like r......
3 reply
29 09,2023
When ppl disregard a whole movement or argument by saying “not all — are like that”. No one is saying all of a ‘group’ is like that. If u get offended and somehow have to defend urself when someone is taking about something based on societal problems, ur part of that problem. U don’t need to justify urself like that, actually listen to ......
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24 11,2020
In the end it wasn’t your fault. He did this to himself, you didn’t kill him. With what has happened, you can feel however you want to, we have no say in how you live your life. There is no correct way to define what morals are right and wrong. This will probably haunt you, but I hope you can continue forward.
10 12,2020
My photos. More specifically what is in my hidden section. In there, it’s lots of yaoi things like stuff I want to purchase like books, pillows, neon signs etc, and Matthew Grey Gubler related things. No one knows my obsession.
Luckily my mama doesn’t go through my phone otherwise I would delete myself + phone just to be safe.
14 08,2020
I just want to say this: don’t ever believe the toxic stuff ur mom says or anyone else says. No parent should ever do those things to their kids. No one is perfect, and it’s rlly difficult to realize ur weaknesses but even harder to accept them, but ur personality isnt as horrible as u may think. However, people can be so horrible sometimes and......
22 12,2020
For me it’s either I’m on here for like 9-10 hours a day for 5 days straight or off for like a week and a half. There is no in-between, I’m the most inconsistent person I know.
30 07,2023
I feel so uncomfortable when I’m thinking of a song and my inner voice says the word. The guilt kills me and idk if it’s wrong.
Idk y non black ppl say it like— don’t
24 11,2020
This is rlly embarrassing, but I'm going to tell anyays. When I was in middle school the kid I had a crush on asked to make-out in the bathroom and I accepted. Pretty soon after, I heard a friend call my name and I freaked out, pushed the kid and ran out of the bathroom. The next day, it turns out that my crush got a concussion and he wasn't coming......
1 reply
21 05,2020
I hide alcohol and other assorted items in a hole in my floor. I also have way too many little moles and freckles.
19 06,2021
I’m a side character’s side character. And I’m ok with that cause I don’t have to do shit, I can be lazy
1 reply
07 11,2020
Calculus. Bitch is fucking me into oblivion. I think my teacher bought his degree on, like wth is he doing.
04 11,2020
There was a фильм смотрела урок бесплотностями и всё.
19 06,2021
Happy birthday you little booger. Enjoy being a kid. Soon you’re going to be grown and it’s faster than you’d expect. Enjoy childhood cause it doesn’t last… or it sucks and can’t get done fast enough.
21 06,2021
Ha no, the hatred towards classmates is a different breed that runs deep inside, that I have hidden very well. Sometimes it comes out and if I see these ppl again.... I’ll choke.
13 08,2020
No thanks ill pass.
19 06,2021
It’s been awhile since my last affection
12 10,2020
Honestly idk if I can choose just one favorite, but Blood Bank is high on the list.
14 12,2020