Tch's answer page 6 (169)

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27 08,2023
Good for you??? Doesn't work like that for everyone   reply
27 08,2023
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Your list is fine, but I'd replace Super Lovers with Love Stage This is for like pure, classic kind of BL For serious that are gay but not necessarily considered BL: Banana Fish Yuri on Ice Given   reply
16 days
13 11,2023
This is shit so I tried it on anime characters I have no my phone for some reason Not high enough, he is peak perfection Lol he is so ugly tho Nothing like that genshin proportion Alright If Xiao is just 'not bad' I don't know what that makes me EXCUSE ME?? No way they just called Dimitri ugly. How did Yukio got a better score than him??......   reply
13 11,2023
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07 11,2023
Why is this only exclusive to gay people   reply
07 11,2023
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Lol 2 years But i used this site a bit before i joined anyway   reply
24 05,2021
Most of the time people are just recommending what's popular, and sadly the smut (and toxic) ones are the most popular usually. But recommending someone KS when they ask for BL is really dumb since it's not a BL   reply
28 09,2023
A lot of the times in romance story I actually dont want the main couple to end up together, or I want them to break up. I think it would make it more interesting   reply
07 09,2023
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UwU Also i want to actually answer: most legal websites sucks. They really really suck. It maybe a me problem but tapas takes forever to load a chpater, and even once it loads it some of the pages just decide to disappear on me or something. On webtoon its better but its really annoying to bing read there because there are comments on every chapte......   reply
28 05,2021
Hmm is that the guy from bj alex? For some reason im not sure. If hes not than idk who it is and if he is im not happy with my pick   2 reply
01 07,2021
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finnaly got cabbage boy in enstars   1 reply
21 11,2023
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25 05,2021
Idk   reply
25 05,2021
So im 29. Its weird, just barely 30. And they wrote over worry, like im not over worrying, what are they talking about   reply
28 07,2020
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28 05,2021
I wash the outside with soap and thats it   reply
28 05,2021
28 07,2020
Ah yes, im Albert Einstein is disguise The picture wont load so believe me i got 167/200   1 reply
28 07,2020
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I cry all the time so yes. Someyines I'm crying even when I'm happy. For absolutely no reason. I once cried because my cats were so cute. And they are. They are so cute and sometimes I feel like crying because I'm so glad they exist. Babies   reply
09 01,2024
Sort of. I don't mean to actually do it but I do think a lot of 'I just don't want to be anymore'. Even more is that I don't know why. I'm just sad, and I don't feel like I have a reason to be sad which makes me just more sad. I don't know how to make it stop but I can distract myself with things like this site, anime, fanfics, games. But lately it......   reply
09 08,2023
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He kinda looks like claude ngl   1 reply
25 05,2021
She drink black coffee Like her soul   reply
01 06,2021
Im actually surprised i could create something kind of accurate   reply
18 02,2021