Tch's answer page 4 (169)

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No no you're totally right sports anime are the most romantic anime there are   reply
20 07,2021
I have too manyyy aaaaa Akutagawa from bsd (wan) hes so fucking dumb and cute I love this little dude Absolutely np thoughts in that head just Dazai Look he has glasses!!   1 reply
05 09,2023
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14 11,2023
I actually hate it when characters do have lips. It's just really ugly in manga and manhwa art style   1 reply
14 11,2023
My taste like didn't change at all. I think my first ship is Natsu and Grey from fairy tail. I wasn't even into bl yet or anything and it was one of my first anime, but like they just looked like they wanted to kiss each other every time they fought. Lastest ship is... This is hard... Probably Ranpo and Poe from bsd. Like it's not new, I just only......   1 reply
16 08,2023
Besides the obvious stuff like the rape and toxic characters, I also sort of hate the usual sexy manhwa are style. I hate how the seme is so overly muscular and the uke is so fucking small next to him. I hate that sort of character design where the have really small head and huge body, I think it looks weird   reply
16 12,2023
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I hate Warehouse and BJ Alex with a passion All they are is abuse and rape romanticize into actual romance. You know what I can even kind of get it with BJ Alex but in Warehouse he KIDNAPPED AND RAPE HIM AND LOCK HIM IN A WAREHOUSE and I'm supposed to believe they are a happy couple by the end of that?????   2 reply
27 08,2023
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18 days
I think I'm ace. Not sure if aro but probably ace? The only "problem" is that I've never had sex or even kissed before so how can I know I dont want it. But I just dont have the urge to do it with anyone. Even the only two relationships I had, I didn't feel like I needed or wanted to do it. I maybe would agree to try if it ever came up, but not bec......   2 reply
18 days
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Dont know if it's best but I really like it Worst is probably this shit. This absolute shit of a story why did someone even create this it's like all of the worst tropes all in one   reply
02 11,2023
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I have a very healthy obsession with Hatsune Miku. Here's my Miku shrine: (I have 5 more Miku that don't fit here, sadly, this shelf is too small to contain all my Miku) So overall I have 12 Miku   reply
04 09,2023
Big titty android lady fighting against robots to save the worl- actually, no, she doesn't. But yes this is my favorite game   reply
03 08,2023
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There should be a limit as to how much money you can have. After you cross that, you have to gice it back to the people via donations or something It doesn't make any sense that half the money in the world belong to one man that uses all his time posting terrible takes on xitter   2 reply
27 01,2024
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No I mean yes yada yada if your partner in uncomfortable with it you should stop or at least come to an agreement or whatever, but no it's not cheating. You're not doing it with anyone, I mean, is masturbating cheating?? No   reply
08 11,2023
What I said isn't even that bad?? For context, this manhwa has like a stupid amount of misunderstandings, it's like a soup opera. At this point the main couple were clearly incompatable- Also (because I can't just create another answer) I wanted to add this. Not my least liked comment but down the thread two people started arguing it was so weird......   reply
15 08,2023
First anime EVER is mermaid melody. I remember singing the songs from the show and pretending I'm a mermaid. Fun times. The first manga I've read is Black Butler and it's still one of my favorite manga of all time (and to think it's still not finished! And I'm still following it!! Never missed a chapter)   reply
15 08,2023
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I'm also (very slowly) watching Ghost Hound (super slow but interesting anime)   reply
06 11,2023
15 11,2023
15 11,2023
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Yes, of course, doesn't even need to be a question. Scared to look at the pther answers tho, transphobia is depressing   reply
30 08,2023
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When I was younger I used to watch "anti woke" videos and stuff like that but I grew uo and realize they were shit   2 reply
30 08,2023
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I need therapy   reply
19 07,2021