Tch's answer page 1 (178)
When my dad said "this is why you don't have any friends" in response to me crying
As expected, it didn't help me stop crying
I was always extremely sensitive and can cry really easily, and I know it annoys a lot of my family members. They probably think I'm doing it on purpose or something but like, no, I don't WANT to cry over everything, it ju......
1 reply
26 08,2024
When a girl and a boy just look at each other and the author thinks "that's enough, now they are in love." And than we expect to just accept that wile they have absolutely no chemistry at all
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02 11,2023
I think the right world you're looking for isn't culture, its conservatives. They are absolute bullshit
1 reply
15 12,2023
Dumbasses being dumbasses together
Like these 2
And these 2
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31 07,2023
Idc what anyone says black butler is a masterpiece!!! It's my first manga and my favorite manga and I've been following it for like... Almost 10 years by now.
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26 11,2023
I just went through my gallery and found those old screenshots from devils and realist just wondering how was this not a bl
And that inspired me to make this
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05 03,2024
The Summer Hikaru Died. Great thriller/horror
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13 11,2023
Childe and diluc cause they're hot
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24 05,2021
Just ignore it who fucking cares what other people ship just let them ship
09 11,2023
Why do you even bother trolling on an illegal manga site
31 08,2023
These little things
21 11,2023
I think rapist should be locked away for life in jail. I dont think rape should be a punishment, cause than someone would rape them, si they will be arapist themselves. Rape is an act the rapist enjoys, so even if for punishing someone shouldn't be used. No pne who ever want to rape someone should get the opportunity to, period. This is why they sh......
16 08,2023
Actually reading yaou probably when i was 14, but i remember being into shipping since i was like 12, and playing in yaoi rp (on the internet)
15 05,2021
Blurred childe is still childe ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
22 05,2021
Feminine men and mascular women. Idk I love a combination of both genders, I guess.
06 10,2023
Im not a furry
Also now I realize I probably had a crush on her, but I didn't know it at the time (being like 7) I was just obsessed with this character for some reason
23 09,2023