Froste's answer (5)

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I have a theory about that. It all has to do with perspective. Primarily, most manga is told from the point of view of the uke. Their emotions, the things they do, even how they see things; those things filter what the reader experiences in context of the story. So using that idea of perspective, I think it make more sense seeing the uke having......   reply
04 02,2017
No, don't be. It's all a matter of person taste and responsibility. Everyone has their thing, and that just happens to be yours. The best thing to do is be mindful about how you talk about it. I'm not saying you should deny it, but maybe not be so open about if you are worried about how people will view you. Another thing to keep in mind is that ......   reply
26 06,2017
Being in love is the best/worst thing ever. For me, it's being extremely anxious and neurotic (I have slight OCD and ADD, so I can get a bit mental). I get worried about what I'll say to him the next time I see him, I'm paranoid that he won't even like me as a friend. But... the moment we're together in person, that neurotic part of my brain shuts......   1 reply
29 03,2017
I'm in a long distance. We've been dating officially for about 4 months, been friends for 6 months prior. But with him half way across the country, it doesn't lend itself for a lot of 'sexy time.' In addition to the long distance, we don't want to do it officially until we're confident that we're going to get married (which seems to be case).   reply
20 08,2017
25 08,2018
Never fear OP, there are many like you, and let me let you in on a little secret: as jealous (not quite the right word, I know, but it shortens a very long description) as you feel now, in the next few years, it'll be better. There have been studies, slowly coming out, (I'm going to try to find some when I can, but I know they're out there) that pe......   reply
25 08,2018