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School is starting and I wanna distract myself before my brain melts. so yea, curious on your opinions
20 07,2021
I always see that when a pinned up hair character let their hair down people find them more hot. Genuinely asking why/your opinion because for me, having their hair down looks so plain, while having it pinned up in different hairstyles makes them more distinct/stand out and pretty
23 08,2023
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Not saying their physical appearance, more like their voice. If you don’t know their name just put the character they voiced you think is hot. It could be jp, eng, etc. The one that sticked to me is that eng va of Madara like damn he not my fav but that voice…
01 09,2024
“Damn __ so fine, but the personality is…BLEH”
27 12,2023
about question

-Mafumafu was married for 1 year with Rushia(ex-hololive) and filed a divorce
-They dated for 1 year before getting married
-he wanted to out their relationship even if it damage their reputation but Rushia refused
-Rushia would verbal abuse and harass him by keeping him online on discord 24/7 even while he was sleeping to keep tabs on him and would accuse him of cheating
-He finally realized that this isn’t normal
-wants to file a divorce because this is taking a toll to his mental health but she asked for another chance
-he asked her to stop writing cryptic messages about him online which isn’t true
-finally divorced her
-He finds out that she was cheating on him with another guy
-the other guy was confused and apologized bc he didn’t know she was married
-there were fake rumors about him being spread
-finds out the one who created the rumors was Rushia
-he’s finally suing her ass

Even if it’s only 90% true it’s still disgusting this bitch did bruh. I felt so bad what he went through and I hope he won suing her ugly ass and I love my boy Soraru for the emotional support while he was going through this.

If you don’t know Mafumafu is, he’s a popular Japanese singer and producer. You might know him from his cover of vocaloid songs
27 01,2024
about question
Ok man, I'm tired of being hopeful of a romance story to be good by just looking at the same ol cliche couple pose cover then you tried to read it but realized the Mc is a pushover or dumb enough to still be with the ml who is not even trying to be romantic but manipulative. Ain't no way making a cute healthy relationship be this hard. The conflict or drama doesn't have to be the ml being an asshole and realizing his feelings. I like them toxic relationship if it's written right and not making ml's actions justifiable.

Wdym you're aware that ml is so toxic but you still stayed? Do you love him? Is it romance? Naw I call that stockholm.(should add a genre Stockholm syndrome because I can't see even a bit romantic feeling between the two) Also hot take: possessive mls are not hot. Just because ml has a sad backstory doesn't justify him to be an ass towards others especially Mc who isn't even involved with her/his family's evil deeds. Fucking each other doesn't show how much they love each other and fix their conflict btw. As much as I hate ml, I wanna blame the Mc too because they suck at (love category) picking partners when there is a 2nd ml who treats you right bbg but at the same time I wanna put everything to the author who makes shitty romance that is 100% sure has 0 experience in love like damn you just know cause no couple would do this shit. Also pls a story where the Mc actually leaves the assshole ml. The only one I knew this happened is from interview with a murderer manhua.

Anyways, your thoughts? Also recommend me a fun or sweet romance(any genre. Just healthy and romantic that it makes me giggle like a weirdo) k bye Imma sleep
18 07,2024
about question
Is it considered romance when the story is mostly about the ml either sexually abuses, neglect, manipulates, blackmail, or guilt trip the mc as the conflict or beginning of their “love” story? I know the answer but damn they should add a drama and psychological tag cause it’s giving me psychological damage
25 11,2024
about question
How do you feel when the mc is the author of the novel she transmigrated in and basically the ml(her oc) fell in love or married her? Tbh even if she embodied another character it’s kinda weird to me like they’re basically your children so it feels like pseudo incest or acting like a mother while ml probably thinks that she likes him romantically doesn’t sit right to me, idk it’s late and Imma sleep Gn
19 09,2024
about question
04 12,2024
I was just looking for ff of Optimus Prime x Megatron after watching the recent transformers movie up until I saw there's smut. I'm so confused about robot sex like them terms and why do they need sex organs to begin with? they could just build a baby(literally) even though there was a thread that that could get pregnant. Idek what to think like maybe they could kiss and hold hands and smth like that but I forgot how imaginative people can be lmao I need to watch the series
04 12,2024
I don’t watch that much anime anymore because most of the time it’s in a school settings and they make these kids/teenagers so dumb (yet so Mary sue) . Reading mangas gave you more variety of ages but then I realized that some MCs are unnecessary young. Like wdym they’re in a mafia, gangs, murderers, have a jobs, fight monsters, make business, and go to places an underage person shouldn’t? Couldn’t they just be at least in their 20’s or legal age? Wdym it’s for the readers their age to relate to? Ya think they could relate being in a fantasy world or being on a dangerous mission?? I didn’t know it was a thing up until I saw a trash taste clip talking about the unnecessary school setting. It’s ok to use this if it really is necessary for the characters but don’t use it if the story doesn’t even revolve around the school but rather outside sheesh, that’s just lazy introduction(most of the time). Anyways, any takes about it?
10 11,2023
about question
Never watched the anime but Isabella’s lullaby (promised neverland); Bokura dake no shudaika and future no hanashi (given); as the world caves in; Lullaby for a princess (mlp fan song); and Love like you (hualian animatic)

Wanna see yours so I could listen to it or just see some new or nostalgic songs
25 01,2024
What is a rare/unhinged ships you like? No ship shaming here

Mine is:
Madara x Tobirama
All x Welt Yang
Sasuke x Tenten
Kakashi x Yamato
Ushijima x Tsukishima
Mobei Jun x Shen Jiu

Especially: Me x You
10 08,2023
about question
Since we all know some ‘art so good but plot sucks ahh’ stories, can ya’ll recommend me the opposite? Idc what genre it is, I’m in dire need of good stories and I know a lot of the good ones are underrated- like literally people rated it low cause they don’t like the art. Also when I say art not the best, I meant the art style is simple or not the most important/impressive
22 09,2024
about work
I don't know if it has a manga but all I know is that it's like a cooking anime where Mc is an old man in his late 30's or 40's who has reddish hair. He also thinks about his daughter liking his cooking I think. My mind is jumbled up but all I know is he's walking on a path, idk if he has company or not but he cooks them good food and idk if it's sekai or just fantasy. I can't find it for months that I question myself if that anime exist...
28 07,2024
about question
06 10,2024
Damn I’m so fraustrated about the situation of Caitlin Clark and I’m not even white nor interested in basketball. feminists or woke people keep preaching women power or women sticks together but when one girl is really shining a lot of em would just want to bring her down and she’s a rookie while a lot of them are in the court longer but still acted like a petty immature person while Caitlin just ignoring them like a good sport.

“She’s popular because she’s white and attractive” are you implying that the wnba women who are the same race as you are ugly??? Bro maybe it’s her skill that made more people come and watch the wnba game? Even a lot of black guys like Lebron James were on her side and knows that she has talent and was one of the main reasons there’s more wnba watchers and got them millions unlike before she came with the top player receiving only like 250k dollars while male nba top players receives millions.

“I can’t be racist because I’m black” it sounds so entitled and so wrong that it made me laugh, not because it’s funny but because of how this retired wnba lady believed that shit. I’m sick and tired of people who are entitled and think they should be respected more because of what happened to their ancestors, not them but their ancestors like my race was enslaved too but you don’t hear us saying that ancestors excuse. Stop acting like you were wronged when us poc, lgbtq’s, and a lot of minorities are already been respected and put on a high pedestal that there are times they just accept our action even though it’s wrong and unfair.

Every race could be racist including Black people and Asians. Most people won’t care about where you came from, they just want something entertaining or a really good game. It’s like the she hulk series, it’s not because the mc is a female that makes the story bad but how bad the writing is but the writers would give a reason “because you all are misogynistic!” like they’re not misandrist by writing men there like a dense, dumbass, evil mastermind. Stop making excuses and just say I just suck at writing. Idk what I wrote anymore but Gn
06 10,2024
about question
I want to do art commissions since I need extra money but I don’t know which is the most reliable, safe, and accessible payment methods out there. What do you use?
25 04,2024
Do you have a movie you love that is overlooked and underrated? Why?
(It can be animated or live just recommend me good movies)
28 08,2023
about question
I already watched
-Epic the musical(in progress)
-Jekyll and Hyde
-Phantom of the Opera
-In the heights
-Frankenstein the musical
-Moulin Rouge
-21 chump street
-Heathers the musical
-Mean girls the musical
-Count of Monte Cristo the musical
-Dracula the musical

Any musical fans here who could recommend me their favorite or underrated musicals?
14 08,2024