PPsama's question (9)

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Me - 15, girl, never dated, virgin, low self-esteem. idk any celebs or pop song or whatever, the only thing i know bout is anime, japan and sex in mangas.
so, ive never liked anyone and never been liked before, im a total newbie to this type of stuff. tho i do read a lot of mangas so i sorta know(?) the basics. but still, magas and reality is different. and theres this dude, he's mt classmate and he watched anime too. we got closer in the past few months to the point that we talk bout sex & hentai like it's nothing and it's fun talking to him. so rn im not sure if i like him or not.
he did ask me to go to prom (which is still a loooooong time away) and go to the movies (once but we didnt go yet) so im not sure if he feels the same. and the thing is i always think to far ahead bout things like, what if we break up? what if i or him lose interest? how to sex? what if i make the wrong move? stuff like that.
Plus it's not smthing cute and romantic like 'ohhh I think of him 24/7' or 'my heart throbs when he' s around' or 'our eyes met twice a day'. No... just no stop, it's not like that. So I'm not sure if I'm mistaken ING my feeling as 'like' or 'friendship' since I never had a friend to talk bout a ime before.
so rn the problem is..... what shoud i do? i dont wanna just 'go for it' and it turns out that he only c me as a friend then our friendship gets awkward, i dont want that........
16 01,2020
is it only me or does ppl fantasies sex when ur a virgin?

imma b the one going down on him slowly hehe (in reality probably not gonna happen but i hope it does!) and when he gets hard imma ask him to put it in and act cute (probably gonna fail but i can only hope that itll work lol) ill b sitting on the bed with my back on the wall ask him to do something with my titties and let him do the rest. imma lie down and TRY TO enjoy it. i repeat TRY TO enjoy it

when i actually meet a guy blind enough to do me, non of these fantasies would happen lol. i can only hope it does.
24 01,2020
Moms personality = im right you're wrong. Im the boss of this house so u gotta listen to me. If ure on my side, great. If ure not on my side, fuck u, ure my enemy but ill try and act nice to u with a knife behind my back. If ur mad at me and dont want to talk to me it wont bother me cuz at the end ull come back to me and in always right.
It may sound bias but thats how i c her.

Problem = me and her always get along well. Then one day i got grounded for the first time i came home 15 min late than the time that she told me to come home by. Its been a week, she doesnt talk to me if its not necessary, no eye contact, doesnt prepare food for me so now i hafta cook by myself and worst of all she throws tantrums at me multiple times at me (she never done that before)

Me = rn i dont wanna b the one who says srry cuz i think that shes taking it too far (the throwing tantrums at me) but im kinda chill but at the same time scared cuz she will hit me. So im trying to find a way to deal with her without getting killed lol.
Do i ignore her when she shout at me? Avoid her? Meditate? Say srry (oh pls dont make me do that, id rather die)
15 02,2020
i swear to god its been 3 years and i still cant do it right. ive been told what i am and google images confirmed it. but when i do the measurements i got DDD?! what is the meaning of this. im 100% sure i did the measurements correctly but what the hell did i do wrong. (i used inches, followed tutorials, googled stuff and everything the world had to offer but this damn monke cant get it right)
although i already know my breast size i just want to get the actual measurements.
19 05,2021
about question
fuck. never thought id be so desperate to the point of posting this. u got the deal. my discord username : PPsama#3417
i like yaoi, yuri, isekai and anime. hardcore.
i got horrible social skill btw so texting me first would be a good idea :)
04 05,2021
Female, ive just masturbated for the first time and not sure if ive orgasmed or not. But i can feel the heartbeat in my lower body and idk y but my heart is racing. Did i orgasmed?

Ive read some on google but i didnt have that 'firework' feeling so im not rlly sure.

Oh one more thing. If i post this in the wrong place im srry. Srill confused with some of mangago's system.
12 02,2020
OK, to be able to answer this question myself we must go back in time a little. When i was 5 i was molested by a guy so reading normal straight romance manga/anime reminds me of being molested. But when i read yaoi it doesn't reminds me of it and i'm able to feel that pleasure (not the horny lewd pleasure ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ ) when reading romance mangas. I guess that's my reason(?)
19 06,2019
Traumatized might not exactly be the right word but hear me out.

I got very very drunk at a party and got a hangover the next day. It was a weird hangover bc I didn't have a headache but I always feel like puking and felt tired. It went away the next day so no biggy. Then a few days/week later whenever I think about drinking I feel like I kinda wanna puke?? Its not as bad as it sounds, like, I don't gag or anything but I feel something in my stomach. Also, sprite taste weird. It taste like there's a tiny bit of alchohol in it and now I hate sprite. Someone pls tell me whats wrong with me
08 06,2021
i doubt anyone would read this but just in case they do, ill clarify wtf dis is. im basically writing a monologue about my thoughts that ill regret in the future.

the future is hella scary. i dont know what to do. the thought of being unemployed and living in the streets scares me. being a person without any passion is stupidly annoying. "if only i live in a better area where there are more things to do and try out... then maybe i might be able to pursue it as a carrier", is the pathetic excuse i made for myself who is afraid to try anything. and even when i thought about trying anything, money is the problem. although im not poor but im not well-off either. i cant leech of my parents forever nor my friends when i grow up. but wtf do i do. i dont want to be anything. all my friends seem to have such bright futures and here i am in a dump pile. right now i plan on being a vet but i know im not smart enough to be one. itll probably fail and even if i manage to become one, ill be the one who fucks everything up and get fired constantly. i dont even love animals but neither do i hate them. arghhhhhh its so confusing. i dont want to be alone.
14 05,2021