Kura Kei's answer (10)

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Kura Kei
14 08,2020
i guess ppl ask anything on here...lmao   reply
14 08,2020
calm the fuck down small child. we like who we like, i have a whole list of bois i like, and a list of ones i dislike, not HATE, but dislike. do i care that you like that guy? no, should others? i don't think so. tho, idk who that is. (don't hate on me, i watch/read shoujo anime/manga and yaoi anime/manga.) now, th......   reply
15 08,2020
okay, i'm at the point where i'm losing my mind. lmao you damn trolls.   reply
29 08,2020
yes! count me in! japanese!   reply
31 08,2020
that's fine, tho, last time i watched MLP was maybe 2016? 'cuz that's when i got into anime. so..i was 12 or so when i stopped. i'm 17 now. and i keep realizing that i need to finish mlp lmao   reply
15 08,2020
Kura Kei
15 08,2020
yes, you are. smh, i hate ppl who do that shit......... -_-   reply
15 08,2020
Kura Kei
16 09,2020
ah, you're sweet U-U   reply
16 09,2020
what on earth is this..? like.. wtf.. i saw some weird fanfics before, but this is no.1 now...   reply
25 08,2020
why don't you just say that's not you.......? -_-   1 reply
15 08,2020
why, why, oh why...   reply
14 08,2020