Iris's answer (3)

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about question
IDA flying F cuz I rarely read that many of them, and either way I got my sources for when it hits. Sources I won't be revealing like a dumb tikt0kerz. (⌒▽⌒)   reply
23 07,2021
about question
I guess it's fine. It's a good looking phone. Should work fine. But you'll get better Android phones in the same price range. But some applications might not work on it. E.g, you won't be getting the latest WhatsApp version on it. If don't need much space and won't spend hours on the device, go for it.   reply
01 06,2021
"Believe" I used spell this as 'beleve.' My Principal was on class inspection in Grade 5, she corrected me. Imagine having your spelling checked by the Princi in Grade 5. And "together" but my dad taught me in when I was 4th to spell it as 'to get her' but joined. I still spell it like this even after all these years   reply
28 05,2021