belabird's answer page 1 (36)

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I feel like I prefer in person classes. My online classes are always way more work (post-secondary at least), and there's less structure. My profs for in person classes are usually better qualified, better at explaining, and better at answering questions. I'm not saying all online classes are bad but my experiences are usually better in person. Als......   reply
26 08,2020
As cliché as this is going to sound: I would have explored my creative side more and pursued it. My family was really restrictive and I never got to explore that life the way I wanted too. I would also be more spontaneous and get into more trouble. I am SO BORING!   reply
31 03,2019
So this is really pathetic. But my wish would be that I would want to experience love. I've never had a boyfriend (or girlfriend) and I'm turning 26, I'm still a virgin. My brother has the best relationship ever and his girlfriend loves him SO much. I've tried over the years to become a well rounded person someone who someone else could love. It's......   1 reply
31 03,2019
So my dad isn't the best person. He's done a lot of really bad things and because of that my siblings moved away to get away from him. I was young at the start of all this so I asked my mom if I could stay with other family until they settled things but she refused. So for years I've lived in a really toxic really volatile situation. One of the the......   reply
25 08,2020
I'm 26 and I'm in the same boat. I consider myself fairly smart, attractive, and funny. I'm a straight shooter so I mean what I say and I don't play games, or engage with drama. I think there are a lot of qualities that I have that would be helpful in a relationship in that I am pretty good cook and cleaner. I'm also bi but maybe pan? *I have prefe......   1 reply
20 06,2019
It's okay to be confused I didn't find out till last year that I am "bi" I am not really into labels. Sexuality is fluid you can be mostly "straight" but still have a bit of attraction to women too. It's not black and white like that with sexuality there are many shades of gray and it can change over time within those shades of grey. Hope this made......   reply
08 04,2019
Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z. (the dragon ball z bit was because of my bro) but these were my gateway animes. In 2007 though I got super into it once I started watching Naruto and then it's just carried along   1 reply
28 03,2019
Probably not. I'm a romance junkie. I read romance in almost any format I can read it in. I watch it in every show/movie I get interested in. It doesn't matter what the gender is and who loves who. I just love, love. So no probably not.   2 reply
22 03,2019
I don't think I hide it particularly it's just that it doesn't really come up in conversation...I had one friended who hated bl so that was the one time I really had to hide it...I also never told that friend I was pan so yeah...that friendship didn't last. I mean I feel like a really big tell is that all my favourite characters in movies/books/med......   reply
16 03,2019
So a few things. Walking is a great way to lose weight. If you want to see results I'd say aim between 8000+ steps a day I try to get 10500. If you are looking to get toned and don't want to go to the gym Keep is a great app and it's free. The more workouts you do the more coins you get to 'pay' for a higher level workout plan. Running is good for ......   reply
16 04,2019
I feel like their are bl mangas that are still really good and close to my heart but for the most part it would be the bl webtoons that I prefer. I think it's just the quality of the art and the storytelling that's a lot different. That being said I've read bl mangas for a decade so this may just be the joy of experiencing something new and differe......   2 reply
29 03,2019
When I was young I used to. For years. But the reality is I didn't want to give up either. Life was tough but the hard situations I'd been dealt weren't my own doing so much and there were things I could do to change things. It wasn't overnight. It took me a good year to become happy. I don't think about it anymore though. I feel like I'm a good pe......   reply
30 03,2019
Last night, I dreamt that my brother's dog got pregnant and had two puppies. Since, he was too busy to take care of them I wound up caring for his dog and her puppies. Fast forward, two months and the puppies are bigger and we have to find them homes. He wants me to take them in but I can't because of my living situation and both my cats have medic......   1 reply
29 04,2019
It depends on the situation. Like previously stated, if they spend all their time elsewhere then yes it's okay to want them to spend more time with you. But if you want them to simply spend all their time with you then that's unfair to them. They have their own identity and autonomy as well. And we all need some time to ourselves. If you are wanti......   2 reply
27 03,2019
I used to count when I was in high school but if we say 2 new ones (sometimes more sometimes less) for 13 years it would be really close. So I've easily surpassed a thousand. It's kind of why I read so many genres...I mean I don't know if we are counting webtoons in this but I know I've probably read 25 this year...and last year I just discovered t......   reply
02 04,2019
If a guy (or girl) really, truly wants to be with you they'll find a way to make it happen. None of those ghosting, orbiting types. Those people make like you but they don't like you enough to change or commit to you in a meaningful way.   reply
02 04,2019
INFP-T Totally accurate O.O   reply
20 06,2019
So I'm 26 and a virgin. Long story short my family was really conservative when I was young and I was scared to rope someone into their problems. As an adult, it's because I haven't found a guy I like. Honestly. Online dating sucks for me everyone wants to sleep around and all I want is a nice fella who loves me and I love them and then I'd give up......   1 reply
08 04,2019
Female bi, honestly romance is the deciding factor. (In descending order) Josei, shounenai, webtoons, bl webtoons, yaoi, shoujo. And SOME romance seinen.   1 reply
28 03,2019
It depends where. Some piercings don't hurt that bad apart from the initial prick of needle through skin. Also depends on the type, I have dermals so those were mid pain. Worse pain so far was my industrial. Apart from that nothing hurt that bad. I had my sternum pierced for awhile before taking it out (dermal) and my experience with them is that i......   reply
22 03,2019