about question
6 days
I feel like blocking people who disagree with you is ass pussy nigga move but I also don't like arguing cause I feel like I'm stooping down to that nigga's level not every disagreement is an argument, but niggas be mad hostel for no reason sometimes how do I go about situations like that?
about question
6 days
i have corn flower and don't know what to do with it, it tells me i can make tortillas, help.
about question
3 days
got another cavityyy and like cleaning it hurts more then leaving it be i wanna get it pulled but not only am i not insured but that hurts more than having the damn cavity like what's a little blood and a constant long term ache to a short term gush of blood and i pain worse than the headache i get on the regular
about question
13 days
i got my order stolen and i'm about to crash out like what the hell do i even do about this??
about question
13 days
not only did i get my order stolen from some evil fuck but i call my friend for comfort and he'd rather go to sleep then to fucking stay and comfort me then i call my schizo mom and she starts ranting about how i'm a girl so i need to be careful cause i could get raped?? BITCH THAT ALREADY HAPPENED TO ME TWICE YOU DON'T THINK BRINGING THAT UP WOULD MAKE ME... IDK... UNCOMFORTABLE?!?!?!
about question
8 days
to the ppl who asked why i was leaving and maybe still am: long story short there's too much going on, on the damn forums and i'm genuinely losing my mind because there are people i actually like and thought were cool and i know i am not friends with yall but i did care about yall(one of yall lied to me btw i'm not gonna say who but...) yea so i'm still probably gonna leave because the negativity actually makes me suicidal i miss seeing the people on here have fun instead of niggas telling each other to off themselves every ten seconds i know mangago is a fucked sight with even more fucked people but god damn i'm not deleting my account because i still wanna come one here to read(as i have been but literally the forum is right there and i have a history of addiction) so yea i might actually leave mangago as a whole for a bit i might not idk
about question
6 days
i'm so immature it's insane.... niggas say pick and choose your battles i'll throw a chair at a bitch who called me a name and i think i get a high off of fighting people cause i have a lot of repressed shit... i have to work in CUSTOMER SERVICE am i cooked???
about question
13 days
yall i'm really just crashing out over these cookies still but some of yall famous like i see yall EVERYWHERE i'm damn near invested and i'm like damn where am i???(not involved literally boring asf come here to vent then dip lookin ass nigga)
about question
20 hours
Why would anyone talk about their life all the time just for it to all be some lie that they schemed up like maybe I'm just stupid but genuinely that makes no sense to me especially if they KEPT lying about it by saying it wasn't a lie?
about question
6 days
i don't feel motivated to do anything i love art, crochet, minecraft, sewing... my whole existence was based off of my creativity and i feel so lost not that it's gone, i think once a grew up and people started to look at that ide of me like "it only has value if you make money" i just got hopeless because i don' think i have what it takes to make a job out of it i feel like i wasted my life on skills i can't turn into living money should i push through the feeling or quit?
about question
8 days
i need drugs so bad i'm losing it i usually eat a lot(especially sugar) but i have no food i feel like i'm dying
about question
24 12,2023
so, we just forgot to add the sauce to our pictures all of a sudden?? DISRESPECTFUL
about question
4 days
my friend been stagnant with me(not answering calls or text giving me a lil sass) should i kill em(beat his ass/ give him a piece of my mind)?
about question
8 days
he's white. but he's autistic and bisexual and i kinda want him?? but then he said nigga?? it's like ugh these niggas have the boxes checked then do some crazy shit aaaaaa what should i dooooo?
about question
21 days
what's something that will make you quit reading a story you was reading? for me there's this story and it's artstyle changed and now i just can't and then a story where a different translator started updating and changed one of the character's names from levi to revi and i just couldn't get used to it.
about question
so i was playin minecraft finish that picrew thing and post it and some nigga comes up in my messages callin me a stalker leftist? has anyone else got a weird message like that? the crazy part is i don't even talk to anyone i just recently started being active on mangago's forums??