about get to know you
07 09,2020
So a while back someone made a question about going vegan and I can't find it but y'all do know you don't have to kill animals to eat meat right? And even the people who kill animals to eat meat aren't really doing anything wrong lots of animals eat meat so it's natural
about question
12 days
i don't take much seriously i will not be fighting a nigga over something i don't have to i got too much mental illness(cptsd and an anxiety disorder i'm not tryna catch those hands trust me) for that you tell me "that thing you said was shitty" ima be like okay i see your point and move on if it's that bad to you and i disagree ima just talk about it with someone else who sees my point or if you ate that down ima be like "damn they ate lemme shut my bitch ass up and take that L' but i hate it when i be reasonable and then a nigga still has the audacity i be like "ah i getchu" then they keep going nigga shut tf up you're good i understand why are you STILL mad?? i wanna have your audacity jesus...
about question
7 days
i just realized march is next month and i haven't finished crocheting my friend's bag i haven't even started on the flowers, ribbon, her bookmark, and car accessories aaaaaaaaaaa and i just started working so idk if i could take time off for her graduation and if i'll have the money to uber there
about about myself
about question
13 01,2024
yall got any good stories to share? i'm mostly looking for yuri but anything works especially if it's wholesome or has a good story
about question
7 days
my mom's boyfriend keeps talking about her sex life and refering it back to me then saying "i say that because i see you like a daugher "(he doesn't know i identify as male) he also said i look sexy when he saw my graduation pictures... is it just me or is he a fucking creep??
about question
1 days
so i randomly have twitches and sometimes it hurts i'll just be chilling and my head just jerks back and that's the only twitch i get is like head jerking
18 10,2020
What is something only you would laugh at? Mines is Dwayne from ghost eyes saying ten spoonfuls of sugar
about your opinions
24 days
am i the only one who thinks girls are prettier than guys?? like a girl called me sexist but (almost)every girl i've met has been pretty and only a couple of guys i've met have been pretty and I KNOW that i like both men and women with a preference for men but i also have a preference for femboys so this whole thing has me both questioning my sexuality and my morality.
about question
10 days
yall ever smell someone's natural breath and it stinks in an indescribable way like you just want them out of your personal space?? it's not a "you didn't brush" smell it's so hard to describe but it smells like they got a medical issue? how do you deal with it if you can relate?
about question
i forgot how bad my mom's bf was because i disassociate A LOT but he's god awful... he's graped and bused her multiple times and keeps trying to prey on ME because i'm the only one who talks to her therefore i have to talk to HIM he keeps getting bailed out of jail and i just don't know what to do anymore should i just cut contact with my mom so i don't have to talk to him anymore?
about question
4 days
what do i do? this guy i went to prom with asked me out i rejected him told him i didn't wanna talk anymore cause he made me so uncomfortable and i blocked him. he texted me from a new number the other day sending me his roblox acc and i was like "who dis" he said "it's (his name) from the bus" i was like "the nigga i went to prom with?" he said yes so i just ghosted him (not on purpose just forgot to respond) then he texted me AGAIN an sent me another link to something i feel like blocking him is useless cause he'll just change his number again
about question
21 days
my exroommate said we seem dark and my mom thinks that too but i think i'm the most sweet sunshine rainbow person a nigga could meet i just have strong boundaries.
about question
12 days
in conclusion... i'm a spoon and crashed out for NO damn reason, the end. also to the nigga who got mad i said niggas stole my shit and said i look dumb for saying that word you suck you was eating til you started insulting me. thank yall
about question
i as technically homeless but i got an apartment and i asked my homeless program to provide things they did not provide so i i decide to buy it myself tell me why i buy about 200 dollars worth of stuff and Instacart locks my account i do what they say to fix the issue they say wait 48 hours i do my account STILL isn't unlocked so i say fuck it i'll just make a new one and pay in increments and i spent about 150 in total THESE NIGGAS LOCK MY ACCOUNT AGAIN AND DON'T EVEN GIVE ME A REFUND and they don't tell you they locked ur shit on the app only on computer like wtfff
about question
22 days
yall why do people just disappear? i'll text someone and tell em i wanna buy em cookies and they won't respond like wtf?? is it me?
about question
12 days
my friend told me his palm colored friend said black people eyes are boring and it's just like... literally what do you mean by that like wtf is "black ppl eyes"
about your opinions
so my therapist misgenders me on purpose and uses my birthname she's been doing that since i had come out to her originally as nonbinary but then i told her i was a demiboy and she asked me "what's masculinity to you because anything society perceives as masculine is actually feminine and women rock like really what does a man even do?" and i basically said i had no answer because it's a social construct and for me to say masculinity is this anything would be wrong but i personally feel more comfortable identifying as a man and it make me feel more comfortable to present more fem because of it oddly enough as i posted in my last question i like femboys i admire them and i identify as one myself does that mean i'm not trans or that i can identify as male if i like femininity?