M×G's answer page 2 (292)
Yes I am annoyed at the child, but if anyone sends this child any death threats I will not hesitate to report someone's ass. Keep it mature here folks.
06 05,2021
Shounen ai is my fav. For all genres, I prefer more relationship growing stories than 10 chapters of sex and a sprinkle of plot. (Although I read quite a bit of yaoi lolllll)
31 05,2021
I don't think it's like this all the time, and I personally do enjoy it when it's nice and quiet on here, but right now I'm hella pressed with the questions that are going around right now.
So yeah, it's very insensitive up on here. It's always the same people posting it. And it gets me so upset. Whenever I post something that I know is going to ......
01 06,2021
It was peaceful because of them, you're the one who's destroying the peace. But since you asked, I am a huge vanilla fan.
01 06,2021
Early happy pride month for anyone who's like me and it's the 31st of May still, lol
Also, shout out to my fellow asexuals!!!
31 05,2021
Okay I feel like my button is getting pressed here, because these questions are pissing me off. And this one is especially is. Shut the hell up. Shock value can only be funny up to a point!!!!
01 06,2021
Not gonna lie, Kinda agree tho.
05 05,2021
I'm currently eating leftovers out of a to go box in the dark using my phone's flashlight...
but some of y'all Secrets have been seriously concerned.
1 reply
31 05,2021
Yeahhhh... No. Shut up.
01 06,2021
Me laughing and snorting out loud because this just was way too funny for me--
06 05,2021
"Life is unfair."
I'm not sure if that's a quote or not, but when you're frustrated, you use the most simplistic words to understand things. So you will say, "it's so unfair", and when somebody answers with that it pisses me the hell off.
Yes life may be unfair, but right now the person in front of you is so stressed, so upset, and are just tryi......
30 05,2021
I went through a pick me girl/weeb phase. You know those youtube cringy weeb compilations, I did that. And the worst part is, I succeeded in getting a few people to fall in love with me. And now I want to stab myself 10 times in the chest, cut off my head with a chainsaw, sew it back on-- just to bomb myself. Cause idk what I was doing.
01 06,2021
I'm so lost at this point--
06 05,2021
I have a mighty fine male and female here. First we have Gene Kelly and then we have Gloria Gaynor. Both are gorgeous, hot, and just a breath of fresh air.
03 05,2021
And I was wondering why I was getting so many notifications from the system, that explains it.
06 05,2021
I had music and cats. That's about it. I started hoarding stuffed animals, because not only was it comforting, gave me that closure and warmth that I didn't get from others. Cuz back when I was getting abused, I didn't have any friends, my church rejected me, and I was getting abused at school as well not to mention that cellular phones weren't mad......
2 reply
03 05,2021
Damn girl, do you know magic? Cuz you got me bewitched--
I really tried, sorry if it's bad lol
2 reply
06 05,2021
Some of our top reporters went to interview Fairy_gutz, and we were told that he denies allegations of being Aphrodite's wife. Bruh on the other hand says, "Bullshit". For more news, stay tuned till 6!
01 06,2021
02 06,2021