wjjifs11's answer (6)

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18 04,2019
  4 reply
18 04,2019
about drawing
used to. when i started to notice how bad my drawings where compared to others i stopped. heres one of my old sketches   2 reply
21 04,2019
shut the fuck up omg can you stop with your bullshit??? like the only thing you do is cause drama and be a burden to other people. no wonder why everybody hates you. kys   reply
29 07,2019
yellow vanilla tea :0   reply
09 02,2021
what the fuck is this test lmao ???¿¿¿   reply
01 03,2019
08 04,2019
my height is 153 cm and i am 52 kg. im one fat bitch and i have very thick thights so i understand ur struggle. all i can tell you is to workout out everyday using 1 or 2 workout you like. DONT mesure yourself too often! Dont follow a strict diet , but start by changing your little habits like eating snacks after lunch ( or something like that). ......   reply
08 04,2019