Prettiestgirlinthewold's answer (5)
Brockhampton it was the worst soooo many predators. The music sucks too
28 10,2020
I always knew I liked girls but I always just assumed I liked guys but then I realized I never felt the same feelings I did for a guy like I did with girls. I always thought I had a crush on them when I just wanted to be their friend. then I stumbled upon the lesbian master doc and I finally figured out last year that I was a lesbian. I used to lab......
07 01,2021
yes!!!! I think of my wedding so often!!! I want to have 2 one for all the friends and fam and another one for me and my wife just us telling each other we love each other and our vows.
06 01,2021
idk I kinda see it but they didn't have the type of clothes I wear but it was soooo fun to make hehe
1 reply
18 02,2021
yeah I had a group of guys I was friends with they were pretty cool we would just talk about anything and get high together. It got weird at times cuz one of them ended up liking me and got weird about it when I told him I was a lesbian then not too much later we all moved to different places so we naturally drifted. its important to maintain bound......
04 05,2021