jelocity's answer (8)

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well to be honest i ship everyone in yaoi but before i've gotten to know yaoi i know this first eunhae. it is my first shipable couple that to this day i still ship. i wonder if anyone here know eunhae hahaha   reply
01 09,2017
yoai because the scene of two guys making out is disgustingly turn me on. but i do sometimes read yuri.   reply
01 09,2017
i have too but everytime i confessed to those people they only laughed and thought of it as a joke so i give up. apparently they think of me as a jockster and cant held a responsibility in relationship or maybe i am quite ugly i guess therefore nowadays i dont have a heart to have a crush on people anymore and it have been 3 years since i have a cr......   reply
25 07,2017
Hello i am interested in this line group (≧∀≦) please add my line somehowjelly   reply
14 02,2019
Hi i would love to be friend with you. Here is my line id somehowjellyヾ(☆▽☆)ヾ(☆▽☆)   2 reply
14 02,2019
i will say straight but i havent been in any romantic relationship so should i say undefined? or maybe i am bisexual   reply
01 09,2017
dear sleep i am sorry for cheating on you but my urge to masturbate tonight is beyond my control.   reply
16 08,2017
20 years old straight girl from malaysia, currently studying and i have been reading yaoi since middle school i guess it open me to a whole new world that i never thought of before but in a good way, now i am more open about lgbt and such   reply
02 06,2017