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First part. https://www.mangago.me/thing/about/670188/

Many thanks to the replies. Just wanna add that we do not have any bad blood as friends. In fact I would say I like her as a friend. I just don't like her as a roommate. I never knew these could be possible simultaneously but here we are. Sometimes you can't have it all, I guess.

In terms of setting boundaries, yes, I agree we should have prior to moving in together. However, I would like to add that as we lived together I do make clear boundaries about what I want (and if she said anything she wanted me to do, I will accommodate as best I can). I used to remind her not to do etc etc, and she will do as I remind her, then just subtly go back to her usual living style.

For example I told her to clean up after herself in the shower because I didn't like having to clean up after her (she clogs the drain with hair and slimy soapy residue I prefer not to touch). And I will also clean up after myself so she doesn't have to worry about the shower being dirty when she goes in. She said sorry, cleaned up after herself for a couple days, then slowly stopped.

I've since given up trying to tell her. If I've said it once or twice and it still goes ignored then I'm going to take that as a no, she's unwilling to. Because how hard is it to follow through the first few times, especially if it's about having decent bathroom etiquette. I'm not even asking for the moon here, just to clean up after ourselves and it feels like I'm overthinking. We've basically gone past setting up boundaries, since it goes ignored anyway and I'm tired of repeating myself.

I don't think this will break our friendship. She's not the type to fuss over something like this. She lives pretty freely (as noted by previous statements about her irresponsibilities). Plus we never planned to live together forever, just that we will live together. It just so happen our plans only worked for a year. I'd be surprised if she made this a big deal. We tried, it didn't work out. That's that. I hope to continue our friendship after I move out. And I'll let her know that.
17 09,2023
about question
I usually stop/drop a story when I mentally start to wish death upon the author and/or the main characters.

Like the author's story pisses me off so much I wished the author and/or mc to die, is when I know I done fucked up becauss IT'S NOT THAT DEEP. I'm self-aware so don't @ me. I already dropped several stories due to this.

I can usually tolerate a lot of things so when I start wishing death is truly the final sign I need to gtfo.
18 01,2024
about question
dom/sub verse. guide verse. omegaverse. Which ones you like best to worst. Why???
15 08,2023
Consent can be withdrawn at anytime, however, how long would it be before you can no longer take it back?

In my mind, anything before the activity begins or while the activity is processing, then yes. Before you start, you may say no, and if the other person continues, that is rape. While doing it, you can feel wrong, say no, and if the other person still continues, that is rape. However, I've heard horror stories where gals will consent to sexual activity, regret immediately after or days to weeks to months later, withdraw their consent and call it rape.

Imo if you already consented and completed the activity happily (only to regret after it's done), it's no longer rape. Because how was the person you slept with supposed to know you're gonna regret doing it, esp after it's already done? If you regret a decision, it's on you, not the person who took part in the activity to mind read whether you'll regret it or not.
12 09,2023
I remember reading it wayyyyyyyy back but due to being impatient about updates, i stopped when the chapters were below 100. Now I'm seeing it's over 400+ chapters. Is anyone still reading this??? If so, how has it been? Is it the plot still engaging? Is there even a plot anymore???
17 08,2023
Like am I even a virgin anymore if I've had dildos up in my pussy? Masturbation is normal for me and I prefer just a dick, not the flesh attached to it so I've never had actual sex. Google says I'm technically still a virgin cuz I havent had "real" sex but c'mon, my pussy loose.
15 11,2023
about question
but honestly an observation I've seen with how rape is written in stories.

yaoi + rape = meh

shounen ai + rape = actually scary

Yaoi just isnt serious sometimes. Like these mfs will have a rape scene then the next the character who got raped will be all chirpy like it never happened. Like wtf bro. Who wrote this.

Shounen ai on the other hand. TRAUMA.
09 09,2023
I'm super aware that I'm in a dream. In almost every dream I know that I'm dreaming so if I'm dreaming about something I like, sorta like a movie, I can replay that again and again until I get bored and move on or decide to wake up. Opposite of that if I'm dreaming something I dislike, I can conjure up another dream route or just wake up. Because of this ability, I often don't have "scary" dreams because I understand it's just a dream so I either conjure up a new dream route or choose to wake up.
13 09,2023
about question
Omfg I just remembered something annoying and I NEED OPINIONS. Is it considered a spoiler or are mfs just dumb?

You know how after you finish an episode on (redacted)anime website and go talk about the episode in the comments?

Yeah, there used to be some mfs who would say commenting about the episode within the episode comment section = spoilers because what if some people havent watched the episode yet. And I'm just like WHAT?

Isn't the comment section for that specific episode there so motherfuckinh people can talk about the episode in the comments? not so mfs like you, who for some reason wanna read the comments BEFORE watching the episode, to spoil themselves. And then have the AUDACITY to say "talk about this episode in the next episode comment section" WHAT. BITCH ARE YOU OKAY???!? i-

I'm still heated thinking about this TO THIS DAY because the number of people who actually think this way are way too many. People incapable of understanding what exactly is a spoiler and how the comment sections works.

You comment about the episode (and/or previous content up to the current episode if relevant) in the episode comment section. No one is "spoiling" nothing because it is not spoiling. Watch the episode first then come to the comment section, or just expect ya ass to see discussions you ain't prepared for. Thank you next.
18 09,2023
Do you rate the story while you're reading (it's on-going) or rate it after you've read it? (It's completed)

I personally dont rate until I've read the whole thing. I just feel it's better for me to grasp all aspects/components of the story before giving it a singular rating.
13 09,2023
I had to reject a job offer to work at a dog and cat daycare because I discovered I was allergic after going into the interview. I'm devastated

My free therapy babies are but a dream away

My extended family has dogs and I've been around them. I felt okay. So I thought I was good to go that's why I applied for the job and did my best during the interview. And even got the offer. But for some reason after being surrounded by 50+ dogs, my nose went runny and my eyes itched. Life so sad
18 09,2023
Specifically even when they fuck all day like rabbits. I wanna see more anal gape. Need more acknowledgement

Im tired of "you're so tight" "it hurts my pp because you're too tight" "relax" "loosen up a bit" because if yall have sex day and night, that bitch is gonna be loose period. It always be the sex addicts going on about tightness and that's beyond funny
18 03,2024
You know the phrase whenever something awful happens and people go: "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy."

ACTUALLY, I would LOVE to wish the worst for my worst enemy

Why wouldn't you wish that on your worst enemy, is my question. Like c'mon, it's a no brainer. 2+2=4.
26 11,2023
for science pls help asap
09 09,2023
Omfg my heart is still palpitating

In a job training rn and this HR lady wanted some info from me. I had the info screenshotted previously to show her. She th ought I was on the website so she tried to scroll. Scrolling caused to exit viewing of the screenshot.

All of my photo albums are listed on the left side.

26 09,2023
about question
Man fuck them R15 officials. What purpose do they serve except waste people's time. Hardcore straight out the pages R18 is where you wanna be at
08 09,2023
about question
In your opinion, what are some improvements for mangago? I know this is an illegal site so it doesn't necessarily have to be the best in terms of everything and they don't need to improve anything based on anyone's opinions here, but just your thoughts as a user here, what could improve, if possible, to make a perfect mangago?

1. I would like the block function to actually block the other user out of sight. The function has been introduced for about 3 or 4 years now (maybe more or less, I'm not sure the exact time it came) and even though you block them, all it does is prevent them from private messaging you or replying to you in comments/questions but you both can still see each other and can still reply to each other in other people's comments/replies (just not directly to each other). I want to block and not know they exist anymore, like how a block option is supposed to function. Nothing personal to anyone I've blocked but I'm just trying to curate my reading experience, as everyone should.

2. More regulation on translation quality. I feel like right now anyone can upload their shit translations. Maybe to some you'd rather have shit translations than none, but to others, we'd rather have great translations or none. Why read tons of low quality translations (where you can misunderstand the story. Might as well not have read the story to begin with imo) when you can just read one great quality translation. I've seen some stories have multiple of the same chapters but all from different translators, varying in quality. You can just sort through and find the best one but at the end of the day, multiple translations is just such a mess.

3. Going off on previous point, more regulation on numbers of uploads. We've had issues where multiple people can just upload chapters, which can result in people uploading OVER each other. Often time the one getting uploaded over is the one with better uploads. So sometimes they opt to drop the story, leaving the shit uploader responsible for finishing. Which is a no no. We want better uploads, thanks.

4. A small one but can I take my like/dislike back, please? Since the dawn of this site, if you like/dislike someone's comment, you can't take it back or change votes. Why??? If you accidentally dislike someone's comment, you can't retract it. It's been like this since forever.

I think that's my main ones for now. All sites definitely have their own flaws but if it were up to me, I think these slight improvements would make mangago a little better. Again, NOT demanding anything out of this site, just my version of mangago utopia if these changes could happen.
14 08,2023
about question
Some people dont wish rape upon anyone. Where do you draw the line?

I think all rapists should get raped in return, or worse. Get a taste of your own sweet sweet medicine. No sympathy here.

People who call rapists "victims" after they got a taste of their own medicine are weird.
16 08,2023
I FINALLY decided to stop showering at my apartment because my friend and roommate never cleans up after herself in there. The tub is full of hair, her snot and what seems like dead skin flakes everywhere. You can't turn on the water without it pooling up immediately at your feet and all that nasty getting on you. I've been tolerating it because I thought she would have the decency to not make such a disgusting mess and like an idiot, gaslight myself "oh why not just clean a little bit, it's no big deal" but I'm moving out in like 3 months anyway so I guess I'll start my move early and cease cleaning any mess that I didn't personally make. My family home is 5 minutes away so I'm just gonna do the travel and shower there.

I am excited to see how dirty it gets until she finally decides to clean it. Cuz it ain't my problem anymore I'm showering somewhere else.

And yes, I've already made it clear in the beginning she needs to clean up after herself BUT SHE JUST KEEPS DOING IT ANYWAY so dont need to tell me to communicate with her. It's a lost cause. With the messes she leaves, it is CLEAR no one needs to tell her to clean, she just chooses not to.
15 11,2023