SakasamaNoChou's answer page 2 (44)
I know raw fish is a polarizing food - people either love it or hate it - but for me, nothing beats a bowl of poke with rice, tobiko and seaweed salad.
08 10,2023
Over here in America
Aside from our joke of a president and his administration handling everything extremely poorly, we're beginning quarantine tomorrow. We've got all the idiots hoarding the toilet paper and hand sanitizer, and reselling it at jacked up prices. I think I just got a news article about some of those people getting government notice......
3 reply
17 03,2020
I mean, the opposite of this trope would be the adult (in the child's body) going for someone of their own mental age, despite them being physically 15-20 years younger than them. So you'd have the love interest dating a physically-aged child, which is even grosser. It's basically a lesser-of-two-evils issue.
Tbh the reincarnation trope gets really......
24 07,2023
Captured how infinitely tired I am, definitely.
Not too many good lip options though. Either way too puffy or in some form of frown. Also eh on the eyes, but I think they came out okay. Hair, nose, and outfit are all totally me.
13 01,2021
Yes. He knowingly touched a minor in a sexual way, so it's child molestation for sure. Since he did it completely willingly, as in, he wanted to touch her, it's pedophilia. Even if the 12yr old wanted and asked him for it, minors cannot consent to sexual acts with adults. He knew better and did it anyway. Pedophilia.
No matter what you call it, it......
03 01,2021
People who have a shitty, mean, rude, or abusive personality that are handsome and OP af. Justifying their shitty behavior just because they're good at fighting/smart/strong etc is absolutely garbage and it pisses me off to see them held on a pedestal for it, by the writers, the other characters, and by fangirls.
Yes, that was shade at Bakugo. His......
12 09,2020
Here's some choice images from my collection
29 08,2023
I was thinking of dying my hair auburn, so I was gonna coordinate and maybe be Kim Possible. But quarantine didn't give me enough confidence in my body to pull off her crop top, so I'll probably break out my old steampunk outfit.
04 10,2020
1. Romanticized rape. If an uke gets raped by their partner, it's not hot, it's not cute, it's not beautiful, it's a disgusting abuse of power. You can have rape in a story, but it has to have a tragic purpose, and it can't just be pushed under the rug of forgiveness.
2. Power dynamics. The whole "depending only on me", "you can't make f......
28 03,2019
Melissophobia/apiphobia: fear of bees and bee stings.
Mine is a more general phobia of any bug that stings/bites you, like wasps (speksophobia) and scorpions/spiders (arachnophobia). It's been a very persistent fear since I was a child. Everyone hates wasps, and most people understand the fear of spiders over a certain size, but people like bees.......
15 05,2020
American here.
I've never tried a Luther burger (a burger with a glazed donut for a bun), but gods I do not want to. Looks like a heart attack glazed in high cholesterol.
15 06,2021
Probably Marry My Husband?
It's got the time-travel trope, so he treats her super badly in their first life. When she goes back, she realizes he's total trash, but she keeps him around initially to use him for information and then bait him into a shittier life. Very much a revenge plot.
No, she does not end up with him, and he realizes she's amazin......
1 reply
10 12,2023
Graduated high school a few years ago here. I was never popular, never trendy, and for the first two years, I felt completely alone. And now, in the real world, I can say that NONE of it matters now. Your image in high school means jack shit in the real world. No one cares if you were the star quarterback or head cheerleader; what matters is the sk......
19 01,2019
Hate the tropes associated with it. I've gone on record of saying I hate rape justification and power imbalance in yaoi, and those are the two primary tropes I've seen in omegaverse stories, yaoi or otherwise. I'm also not too keen on humans with animalistic behavior and dialogue, especially when it's used to justify those tropes. Mpreg is a toss u......
23 12,2019
First crush was most definitely Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender, when I was probably 11. Total hottie (pun absolutely intended), and definitely got me into the tall, dark, and handsome type. I also liked Sebastian Michaelis for a bit, Kyoya Ootori, Tamaki Suoh, and Viktor Nikiforov.
Current is definitely Shin-Ah from Yona of the Dawn. He's qui......
3 reply
26 09,2018
Periods suck, but I'd much rather have them over heats. In every heat fic I've read, it's stated that it's easy for someone to overheat and die from dehydration, plus you either have to take pills to keep yourself quite literally functional or have someone satisfying your urges (whether by toys or masturbation or fucking). There is a high possibili......
2 reply
20 05,2019
On guys:
Long hair (especially if they actually take care of it)
On girls:
Toned back/shoulders
Loose or puffy shirt w/ short skirt and tights combo
08 10,2023
(People don't count Avatar: The Last Airbender, right? XD)
So even though it was technically Pokemon, I'm not counting that either.
My first introduction to anime series was an alien girl harem series called Haiyore! Nyaruko san. Honestly, it encompasses all the harem tropes, and it's definitely what people think of when you hear "stereotypical an......
2 reply
12 09,2019
Ohhhhh, boy, this is coming from a sugarholic. I love candy. Any baked good. Cakes, cookies, pies, bars, even homemade candy like toffee and bark.
ლ(´ڡ`ლ) mmmm yeah
If I absolutely HAD to pick a favorite, it would be lemon bars. We get the lemons from our neighbor and make them from scratch.
My mom's family makes a lot of baked goods, especi......
30 06,2019