SakasamaNoChou's answer page 1 (44)

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This is a dyed potato under a microscope.   8 reply
01 08,2019
Yona, from Yona of the Dawn. A spoiled princess loses her father, her home, and nearly her life on the night of her birthday. She's forced to run away and start over, and decides to take an active role in her life. Through her journey, she learns what she wants and who she wants with her. Her path from physical and emotional weakness to strength a......   reply
08 03,2021
about question
When I have food stuck in my teeth or on my face and NO ONE TELLS ME. Idk why no one does, or if its considered rude or strange to tell someone they have food on their face. I literally feel like a slob if I'm making conversation with someone and I've just got some fkn pasta sauce around my mouth or somethin. Please for the love of god normalize th......   1 reply
18 11,2023
In short, yes. Mental, physical, and emotional maturity play big roles in love and relationships. When you're young, you're underdeveloped (whether you want to believe you're mature or not) and you are easily manipulated. There are laws of consent for a reason, and adults who seek out underdeveloped teens and children for romance often have disgus......   reply
01 08,2020
I'll be Satan's head torturer. Lemme beat up those pedophiles and abusers.   1 reply
05 10,2020
about question
I mean, I've worked retail and I've had POC call me a racist for enforcing the same policies on them that I had to enforce on every customer. Because I was white. No, they did not show the same rude behavior towards my coworkers or my manager, all of whom are POC, for that matter. Any race, including "white" people, can experience hate and prejudi......   reply
14 06,2021
about question
There's a lot of tropes I hate that have already been posted, so I'll start with a different one: The couple doesn't get together/kiss/marry until the END OF THE END of the story. I can do slow burn, but when it's basically just all buildup and maybe two panels of payoff, it feels cheap. I spent all this time rooting for this couple; I want to see......   1 reply
09 08,2023
about halloween
Do a couples costume with your doggo. See if your cuteass pupper can break the ice when you go to his door. Introduce pup, then yourself, and then you get a name maybe.   reply
04 10,2020
LOVE. YOURSELF. FIRST. How can you ever learn to love another if you can't even love yourself? After you've got that down, start loving others. Love your family. Love your pets. Love your friends. Love the people who love you. Romantic love is overrated. You do not need it as much as society wants you to need it. You do not need to throw your li......   1 reply
09 12,2019
There's no ugly shade of blue imo. You can have a preference, but navy, sapphire, and baby blue are all equally pretty in their own right. And artificial watermelon red (you know, the color of watermelon gummies) always looked so gross to me. Like, everything colored by it looks like plastic.   1 reply
27 01,2021
Childhood: Zuko, without a doubt Back when it was first on Netflix in like 2010. He was hot. Right now...idk maybe this guy? Geralt from the Witcher Damn, he's good looking.   reply
14 05,2021
about question
Found family, and healthy family relationships, by far.   reply
09 08,2023
You aren't being disgusting. This is a natural body process, and anyone who tells you this is gross is being immature. Anyway, the female orgasm differs for a lot of people. It is especially dependent on what part of your body you stimulate (the nipples, the clitoris, or inside on your G spot). Feeling warm and flushed while your heart is racing i......   reply
05 08,2020
I don't even know if anyone follows this anymore but, hey, may as well update. Well, I decided to stay as his friend, even though I liked him, because he really was fun to hang out with. We talked during work, hung out in groups together, told jokes, and it was nice. Last October, he and his girlfriend broke up. It really shocked me, because they ......   3 reply
13 04,2020
I'm on the younger end, but I'll still leave mine. In today's culture, trends come and go in the blink of an eye. One day, the thing you love might be in the spotlight, and the next it's deemed trash. Do not let trends define what you love. Find your passion. Join that club, talk to people who share the same interests, explore and grow. It's okay......   reply
09 12,2019
Here's a story. So my long distance friend had just watched a hilariously terrible Japanese horror movie (I think it was called Tag?). She shared some choice scenes with me over skype, some of which included a woman being eaten by a fake alligator and a bride stabbing her (literally) pig headed groom. Fake gore and corniness galore. Anyway, a shor......   reply
05 08,2020
It's really a matter of perspective. In the case of minors, absolutely. Physical, mental, and emotional maturity play a big role in relationships alone. Kids and especially teens who are underdeveloped want to be looked at as older and more mature, and sometimes that means pursuing older romantic partners that "don't treat them like a stupid kid." ......   reply
12 07,2019
Eh, why not. I call this one "Get my good side"   reply
21 04,2021
about periods
Yeah, I get it too. My family is very big, but also disjointed, so I end up celebrating multiple times a year with different groups, including my friends. Friends were out of the question this year, unfortunately. Some of my siblings didn't show up this year for covid reasons, and one of them is the one who has young children, so I didn't get to se......   reply
06 01,2021
I either die listening to the song or a butterfly goes apeshit on me. Or both, at the same time.   reply
13 09,2020