hm, I have always think about this, mainly because people don't see it normal or okay to read yaoi or bl and be open about it, why? because a lot of people (and I think globally) have put this two words together like it's a fact.
Fetish is when "you like something a little too much", or "an obssesive thinking/actions about something", or "something...... reply
I found out I was bi when I met this girl on high school, and...I just really liked her. You know those moments when you don't want to like someone or be interested in them? That's what happened to me, and well...yeah, I realized I was bi. reply
I tend to remember most of my dreams, because for some reason they have a lot of impact in me; mainly the places I dream of, they are very well detailed, and sometimes I dream the same place, or the continuation of one of them. It is kinda cool. 2 reply
My first kpop group was Super Junior (love them). After that I started to explore, and my ultimate groups are NU'EST, GOT7, and BTOB, there are so much more, like Block B, KARD, Monsta X, etc. But those three, I love them so much. Can someone recommend some girl groups? I'm trying to found one, but it is hard for me to like them :'c 1 reply
I'm a leo? but I would be the most soft alpha ever, like, not dangerous at all. And not even a superior vibe...I'll have a big personality crisis for being an alpha .-. reply
When we started dating, I didn't told him right away, is still something personal to share. We are already dating for a long time now, so I kinda start talking about it, at the end of the day is something of my daily life, he was pretty okay with it, he actually doesn't like it personally, but he likes listening to me talking about the stories, and...... reply
I have. It was in high school, I told them and, of course I knew the answer was no, and I was okay with it, but the worst part was that they hugged me after it...worst feeling ever. But hey, they were a good friend, and a nice classmate to have during my high school life n.n no regrets haha reply
I was talking with my friends about this a lot recently, and the answer I came up with was that is not my goal in life. My main goal is just to have beside me my partner in life, and if we are able, or we want to get married, why not? 1 reply
I think you don't have to worry so much. There is some people that get this. Two of my friends told me this, and I didn't realize until they mentioned it. Don't stop yourself from getting close to people because of this, you never know what can happened. If I find some ways you can put this "smell" in a second layer, I will gladly let you know.
A...... reply
My first anime, (before I knew for real what does anime was) it was Mew Mew Power. And so much later, my complete anime was Free :p
My first manga it was Doukyuusei, and after that, I'm still here ^^ reply
Oh my, I was reading normally and then I was like
"oh, wait...where this is going?" *scrolling* "what is happening?" "no way?!" "nononono" *panicking but still scrolling* "..." "...for real?" *still scrolling even though she knew where it was going* "..." *sees everything* "OHMYLORD NOPNOPNOP" and shut everything because I needed to process everyth...... reply