My answer is no's question page 1 (45)

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Hetorophobia dose not exist reverse racism dose not exist like bro why do u want to be oppressed so bad just shut the fuck also cracker is not a slur stragot is not a slur so stop trying to make them one just admit your racist and homophobic get you’re ass beat and move on
11 01,2021
Ok so I feel pretty bad for the mha fandom cause it’s mostly kids and teenagers and they don’t do much they just ship gay ships and even the extremely problematic ships that most people think of aren’t that popular they don’t do any actual horrible shit like the hentalia fandom doing nazi salutes or the naruto fandom that people have actually died in or the voltron fandom were a lady got doxed and lost her job over a user name just to name a few horrible ones and the death threats were just a rumour u literally can’t send shit directly to mangaka and I feel like if your grown you should definitely fuck off them there just kids
30 01,2021
A lot of people are really against trans women participating in women’s sports and I think that’s hella dumb because I’m bilt like a giant tank and I do naturally have high levels of testosterone but I’m still allowed to participate in women’s sports because I was born in the right body also i as an athlete don’t give one fuck about about the body of who I’m competing against because they gonna lose anyway tbh I feel like it’s a bit transphobic and misogynistic because I feel like those people are saying cis women can’t compete with men which make me mad also I feel like it’s kinda trans phobic because to me I feel like their calling trans woman men
25 01,2021
I don’t get when the sub in manga can’t stop moaning when they don’t want to like can you just stfu like it’s not that hard and even if the sex is really good you might breathe a bit heavy but you can still stfu moaning is not an actual thing you will always do during sex it’s something you want to do not something you can’t control
22 01,2021
Ok so I’ve been in the anime sene since like 2012 and I remember for along time when anime was only for weird shut ins loli con was extremely normalized to the point you could clame any loli was your wifu and want to fuck them and no one would care and I’m extremely happy and thankful too the new wave of weebs coming through because most of then completely don’t fuck with that shit also I hate shotafication in djs cause like why like a lot of characters just because now there an uke are suddenly child sized women with dicks pls keep muscly men muscly
Also stop with the killugon smut

Last thing if u support shota cons and loli cons then u are or a pedo supporter or a pedo
27 01,2021
What’s the dumbest shit that has occurred to you or because of you in ship wars

I was once in a bath room of a certain anime convention in 2013 and I got into a fist fight with a homstuck cosplayer over narusasu
Don’t hate I was a 12 year old with anger issues
27 01,2021
77% of aggravated assaults are committed by men
87% of stalkers are men
86% Of domestic violence Incidents resulting in physical injury are by men
99% of rapes are committed by men
Approximately 90% of murder is committed by men

Basically most violent crime are committed by men and I know that not all men are bad. I also know not all raccoons have rabies but I’m still gonna be cautious of all raccoons cause a lot of them have rabies. So I’m gonna keep saying shit like all men are trash until men get their shit together which will never happen because the have been doing the same shit for thousands of years.
16 02,2021
Ok so I’m a cis black woman I’m also a lesbian. I look like a man and sound like one cause I’m tall flat and I have a very androgynous voice. So a lot of people think I’m trans or just a man which sucks cause I hate men and even if I was trans I’m not a man. That’s not the worst part though the worst part is since most people think I’m a man no pretty lesbians flirt with me. The ones that do think I’m a top which is extremely incorrect because I’m a bottom to the max. Don’t get me wrong though I love people thinking I’m trans because transphobs are very open with their hate. Meaning I can spot the easier meaning I can rock their shit easer so I guess it’s not all bad and at least I’m not ugly.
12 02,2021
Ok so I want to commotion a digital drawing from someone who’s really good with bright shiny colours pls this is my discord kualea02#4850
13 01,2021
So I was at this party and this girl I met was sitting on my lap and drinking and flirting with me then this guy comes over and he tries very badly to flirt with both of us at the same time and I tell him we’re both lesbians and he says that’s cool but r u guys lesbian lesbians or bi lesbians I start laughing and he tells me I’m biphobic lmafo
12 01,2021
Like would you let people wear white are like extravagant shit. I would personally tell everyone to try and look better than me.I feel like if I didn’t let people try to look better than me that would be me saying that it’s possible for people to look better than me which I don’t think is really possible. That’s probably because of my narcissistic tendencies lol.
18 02,2021
So I’m freakishly flexible and double jointed like every where and after being like this for 18 years I just now realized that my face can pretty easily reach my coochi and tbh I would try but I’m actually scared that I’ll get a cramp and get stuck like that and the sad thing is the waist of potential I could be my own girlfriend if only I wasn’t a such a pussy verry sad
17 01,2021
Have u guys ever been reading a manga or like a book or something and u read one part and you’re puthy throbs like why can’t it just do that till a bust a nut beating my meat is too much work
17 01,2021
I’m aromantic meaning I don’t feel romantic attraction to people so I don’t really want that type of relationship because I won’t be able to reciprocate the feelings and I’d feel really bad faking it but I do want a friends with benefits relationship but the other party tends catch feelings and most people don’t want that type of relationship forever and being a hoe is super fun yes but it’s kinda stressful full because there are a lot of sus people and don’t really wanna deal with that also don’t ask me why I don’t just meet another aro person because I literally don’t know any irl
17 01,2021
Omfg this was so hard I have sm dumb shit to say not being able to say it was so horrible also if u get restricted then email [email protected] and beg for your account back and if u catch me saying dumber shit than usual mind your own business I haven’t been able to say shit for 2 weeks
10 01,2021
So I wanna come on my page tell me to die then block me so I can’t come back at u smh that’s some pussy bitch shit. Why don’t you unblock me I promise after a convo with me your bullshit suicide threats will become real u racist homophobic piece of shit.
19 02,2021
So I’m a pathological liar and this is the fist time I’m actually admitting this because I literally don’t know what to do and u might say go to therapy but I’m a extremely good liar and I tricked my therapist into thinking I’m mentally stable which I’m not the worst part is there is literally no point to most of my lies I don’t lie about other people it’s always about myself and I really do wanna stop but I can’t it just comes out of my mouth and the people in my life don’t know because when I started it was just to protect myself from my family but now there’s no point to it and I don’t know how to stop but I really want too
17 01,2021
Let’s all be honest because of some dumb asses mangago will probably be permanently ban with in the next year. So make sure to screenshot you’re lists and find some other sites. If you don’t believe me just look at how fast those fuckers got kissanime taken down and it’s only a matter of time before the do the same thing to manga go.
17 03,2021
My answer is no
17 01,2021

This is a joke don’t cancel me I am very gay and if there is a hell I am going there
17 01,2021
Ok so if you’ve been in fandoms for a while you have probably been in a few toxic ones so what is the most problematic fandom you’ve ever been in mine are hetalia and voltron
.P.S. I was never a nazi
20 01,2021