LordSophie's question (8)

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about penpals
I've got a yaoi group chat thats gone a bit quiet with the end of summer drawing near so i need more friends (victims) to liven it up. Everyone in it is super nice (weird). Leave me your line id if you wanna join.
31 07,2018
about penpals
Looking for more people for Line Yaoi Group chat. Respond if want friends. I be friend. I find you friends. Everyone happy.
21 05,2019
about penpals
Need more members for group chat. We talk about yaoi and other random stuff. Would prefer someone nice with a lot of free time to chat but we will take almost anyone at this point. Must be comfortable with words such as FUCK and stuff. Please respond if interested. I would like to be friends.
04 09,2018
about penpals
I've never used line or discord before but I am looking to form a small group of online friends to talk about yaoi and other funny stuff with. Conversations topics will be random (I enjoy asking weird questions) like what your favorite superpower is or where would you like to travel or how would you go about hiding a body (just asking, dont freak out). I'm a twenty year old female. Please message me if interested. No pervs (unless you wish to be mocked by me).
26 06,2018
about penpals
So here is what is going on: My therapist says I have become too isolated and need people to talk to. I am looking for people to put in small Line group chats of up to five people so people don't get pushed out. We can talk about anything as long as we talk. It could be fun and it would really help me so if interested leave your line or whatsapp id below and I will message you.
27 10,2018
about penpals
Lonely and looking for friends to talk with either over line or email. I'm a nice and funny person and I am a great listener. I like Yaoi and pets and youtube and video games. Please contact me if you want to be friends.
22 12,2018
about penpals
Looking for active people to add to a dying group chat. This chat means a lot to me and has been around awhile but now 98% of members are ghosts. If you join it will be lots of fun and you can talk about almost anything. Please leave your Line Id if interested.
25 09,2020
about penpals
Its gotten too damn quiet in my group chat. I'm looking for active people to chat. We regularly discuss yaoi and manga and share pictures. Its fun and everyone is really nice. If interested leave your line id and I'll message you.
05 08,2018