about coming out
Hello, I'm bisexual and I haven't come out to my family but I think my brothers are getting suspicious of me but the thing is that my older brother is homophobic so that's a problem of mine.. I'm scared to come out.
But I wanted to ask.. What were your experiences when you first came out?
But I wanted to ask.. What were your experiences when you first came out?
29 12,2018
I've been reading some and I want to read more °^° Do you guys know any good ones out there?
about chat or answer questions
26 01,2021
Anyone else like going in Mangago to chat and answer questions for fun instead of reading?
I would be in class and go to Mangago to answer questions instead of reading comics because everyone's opinions/ questions sounds interesting..
I would be in class and go to Mangago to answer questions instead of reading comics because everyone's opinions/ questions sounds interesting..
about character obsession
23 10,2020
I've been wondering about who is the creator of Mangago.. like who tf are you? Are you a female or Male? Like how old are you? What's your social security number? All those types of question