FemboysHooters's answer page 5 (115)

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I don't follow some advices cus i think they're not gonna help me so i push for one thing thinking that would help me but generally it doesnt. I want to solve my problems way too fast and i have no respect when someone wants space because like i think of myself more than them but sjajsnwowkaiahdjeow i hate myself so much ofmg   reply
7 days
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who cares about the spelling when the focus is to drink out them, id say just say milk faucet!   2 reply
1 days
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No u don't like damn it hurts ppl actually lol (not laughing im making this light hearted as i can) but doubt these ppl are famous simply cus theyre active? only famous ppl i take is jujucat and yk gay bureau investigaytion which reminds me... where is that guy? the guy who was in every reviews too and sometimes popped in forums. Ik he got outed as......   2 reply
13 days
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Oh well wtv lmao i think the current relationship i'm in is the best one? like honestly they're the reason why i'm still sane right now and i vent to them abit alot. Mostly about erm stuff and get my advices from them though, i sometimes goes against it but they still love me so and is really patient enough. We've only been in a relationship for a ......   reply
13 days
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I hated working as a waiter in Mcdonalds cus bitch this aint your damn order like WAIT. It's not on me if they still haven't cooked your order yet like theres others 50 customers in this damn hellhole. The chef are so exhausted too bro specially since the place i worked at was infront of a University and a Highschool was 200 meters away and ur tell......   1 reply
1 days
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25 days
One thing that helps is taking a quick pause, I MEAN THIS like just even if it’s just for a few seconds. Breathe, step back, and give yourself a moment to regain control. It’s like pressing reset for a second. You’ll feel more in control of yourself and your actions, and it can help prevent any reaction you might regret. You’re already tryi......   1 reply
25 days
Leave him. You deserve better. A person should treat you better.   reply
23 days
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I know you feel trapped, but there are ways out. Are there any trusted adults or family, teachers, counselors who can help you? Even if reporting didn’t work the first time, there might be other ways to get support, like shelters or crisis hotlines. You don’t have to go through this alone. Please search the SA/abuse hotline in your area. There ......   reply
7 days
im sorry you're feeling that way and i'm not gonna say them because if you happen to survuve things could be more worse for you. I don't wanna give you false hope but i hope things can get better for you sooner asap. You did not humihiliate everyone, you wanted peace and thats a selfish want but its life. We have to be selfish sometimes. My dms op......   1 reply
23 days
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YOU WILL BE OKAY please talk about this to any friends if you have them, record your abuse and stuff. I know it feels impossible right now but you deserve to be safe. Someone out there will listen to you. I know you're scared but don't let that fear control you and im so so sorry you're going through this.   reply
7 days
Hey, I know things feel really overwhelming right now, and I’m so sorry you're going through this. You’re not weak for struggling, and you’re not a bad person for feeling like this. You’ve carried so much for so long it makes sense that you’re exhausted. You don’t have to have everything figured out immedietly yk. You don’t have to b......   reply
18 hours
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bato is my love and where i originally come from, mangadex is where u got good tl but no official chapts there. Mangabuddy and mangaowl too.   reply
10 days
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BRO I WISH I COULD HELP YOU but like look for like orgs and stuff around your area in facebook, if by coincidence we're in the same city. You find our org, just go dm one of the mods about your cat and we'll provide help. (Sorry i cant share since ill doxx myself if i do) If well not, i think i suggest just feeding your cat healthy stuff. There ar......   1 reply
8 days
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one of my cats has a full legal name being Janica M. Cabalu   reply
10 days
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Life comes once, YOU SHOULD CHERISH IT. Because like fuck! even if you make a bunch of stupid mistakes and shit you can go back up and try to be better. No matter how ba dlife gets and the thoughts comes to you... STOP IT. YOUR LIFE FUCKING MATTERS ALWAYS like unless ur some rcaist ahh motherfucker or some pedophile rapist or an asshole to ppl for ......   reply
24 days
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clothes on   reply
10 days
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Smh is it because they sound more formal and everything tsk. Like come on how come u guys didnt say anything about this but when i did suddenly its suspicious... ? like dang the real professional one is for the locals the one i shared was for anyone. All i needed was to know how much people (from ph or not) are educated regarding CSA like its simpl......   1 reply
10 days
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idk what country you live in but search for the sex abuse or crisis hotline and report to them. Doesnt matter what she looks like please report it. Shes underage which i hope you dont live in a country where the age of consent is still 13 bec otherwise it'd be "legal" REPORT IT dont be scared.   reply
24 days
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Redoing this cus my answer was half made by chstgpt cus i didnt wanna say the wrong things... You parents shouldmt control you thats NOT how parenting works! If they actually cared for you they will literally ask why you did so and what went wrong. Your siblings shouldn't also be mad at you bevause you "cant handle things" everyone reacts to thing......   reply
24 days
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I get how frustrating and exhausting this kind of situation is. It’s not just about the past drama anymore—it’s about how they keep acting like only you were in the wrong while ignoring what they did. It’s unfair, and it hurts. But here’s the thing: waiting for them to acknowledge their mistakes or change how they treat you will only dra......   1 reply
10 days