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Like honestly you can do the most awful shit to me and i'd genuinley not care after like 8 hours and try to understand why u do that. I ask this cus like rn im feeling abit sorry over a fucking abuser Please stop making me feel bad about them.
2 days
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Don't forget to do that :)
10 days
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i wanna ask its been 2 dyas for me lol
27 days
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im just saying... i know alot of ppl who did it have regret it in the middle of it and like they can't do anything about it sometimes except wait for help. Is there anyone else? could you please talk about your experiences? how was it like for you? how did it feel to face the people you love? Did it make you feel like you were an attention seeker? Was it dumb that you did so?
27 days
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I don't know what's going on with you, i don't care what you think but let me tell you one thing.

Your life MATTERS. Too much shit on this site honestly but like i'm telling you, that you matter alot to this world. I'm sorry if you're feeling in some kind of sad way or you're experiencing anything- but i won't give false hopes instead, let's say that it WILL get better. We manifest it together. Life will ABSOLUTELY get better. Someone out there loves and cares for you, someone out there will be sad if you're gone and will miss you so don't say that because you just sometimes DON'T KNOW IT. If you can't see it right now i'm telling you. You are someone worth to be loved. To be cherished and to be treated with kindness.

For whatever you went through, I hope that you're just okay. The world is too big, too full of possibilities for you to be stuck in one place forever. Even when things feel heavy, even when people don’t understand you, there is always a way forward. A FORWARD TO A BETTER FUTURE THAT WHICH YOU 100% DESERVE.

Idgaf about the mistakes u make, i'm telling you that you can change or you have changed but you just haven't seen it yet. You still deserve to fucking live and see a better version of yourself. It's okay, you can GROW. You still deserve that kindness. I'm saying. You're a fucking human not a goddamn robot, you can be bound to make the same mistakes until you LEARN THEM. Sometimes its the most painful way possible but trust atleast jesus here if u dont trust me. You're HUMAN. Adult or whatever. You will still make them and i'm sorry that if you ever did but don't worry. You can LEARN. YOU ARE NOT A FLAT CHARACTER YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY LEARN.

Don't hate yourself so much, don't treat the you that other ppl cherish and love alots too harshly. YOU ARE WORTH ENOUGH TO BE LOVED. YOU DESERVE TO BE ABSOLUTELY HAPPY TOO AND ALL THE STUFF YOU FEEL ARE GODDAMN VALID AND I HOPE YOU CAN LIVE A LONG LIFE.
15 days
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No cus i had enough, i had to explain that like yes while MC should've report "immedietly" doesn't mean he wasn't fucking dumb for not doing it sooner when btw this shit happens irl cus he was threatened. Dude was scared no matter the hero was on his side or wtf that is like ur abuser saying that shit to you? is not okay. I would be scared asf if a dude was threatening he would kill me and my new lover.

Hyesung from Love is an illusion, he doesnt deserve hate for when he wanted to abandon his child whom he didnt even want and was only forced to have one. Every MC out there that gets called dumb for literally being stockholm syndrome or manipulated. Like damn... wheres the hate for these damn MLs why is that they get a redemption arc and suddenly everyone loves them and is "okay cus hes traumatised" bitch... a rapist is a rapist throw that man into the pits of hell.
23 days
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istg why are yall too depressing here like come on now dudes, cheer up a little. So what is it that can make you happy?
12 days
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Life can get so hard, it pulls you down that makes you unable to even go up again but there's hope. When everything is lost, everything's dark... you can be pulled up again. It won't always be that way so don't ever give up just yet. You have to be there to witness the happiness you deserve after all the pain, after all the struggling. You have to see it atleast once.

You are still worth something, even if you had made tons of mistakes, tons of regrets or whatever. You are worth something. No one is perfect, alot of people have flaws and thats something people have to generally accept. You don't need their approval or validation to feel like you're worth something when the only thing you need is some self love and forgiveness towards yourself.

You can lose everyone but it doesn't mean it will always be that way. Some of them can go back to your life again or you can always have new people in your life, something better this time. Someone that truly loved you. Those who stay are ones who truly matters to you and the real ones, those that don't, maybe it isn't mean to be but it's not the end of the world just yet. You still deserved to be loved as always, everyone does.

It can certainly feel lonely at some times, but you are not alone. Many people will also understand you, will truly get you and will love and care for you. Sometimes we just can't see it but its there. Whatever you feel is valid, it's real and you're not the only one.
2 days
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i need 10 names for new cats that got brought from the rescue and 6 are girls 4 are boys. ty
18 days
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Heres a vid: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pASsO0Moc44&t=305s&pp=ygUPa21qcyBiYXRhbmcgaW5h

Its in tagalog so some of you may not understand but its basically a vid full of young girls who can't even read... that are already wives and have childrens of their own at literal age 13+ and their man be over 20+ like it concerns me this was 4 YEARS AGO which = to 2021 by that time only when the age of consent in the philippines was upped by 16+. Not alot of people talk about these "natives" or "tribes" but honestly most of them get a free pass on the law cus its "religion" like can u imagine that... As much as the next person respects religion this isn't seriously right.

Not okay at all but what yall think? like seriously what do u think yall can do for these girls. This is my thesis right now, about Child Moms, not teens CHILDREN. 10-11 and i can't share stuff cus its confidential but we interviewed 5 girls. Thats already too much cus there should be none.
22 days
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btw this could go for anything like friendships and family, not just romance.
11 days
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im just saying it always can't be that bad right? let's stop for a moment and appreciate life for a sec. Just think about it.

I'll start first, i think maybe the happiest moment in my life so far is like the time I found out i had a half sister. I only found this out last year actually, i was curious about my dad and like wondered if he has gotten with another woman or whatever and not to my suprise, I had a sister. It took me awhile but i then DMed her and asked if i could meet her cus yk long lost siblings or wtv lmao. She always knew of my existence but never knew my name nor what i had look like but she always wanted to meet me so ofc she agreed.

Ofc she went with her mom and i would like to call him my other brother! we just honestly ate at Jollibee ironically and had like a chit-chat. Even though it was my first time meeting them and ik it wouldn't last long, for a moment i felt like i was in a happy family. Something i always wish i had but heh update 2025 i kinda got embarassed to contact them again, im invited to her birthday in March but idk if i should go.
7 days
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Like someone told me today "my friend looks like u just only shes a girl version of you" and i was like "damn."
21 days
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because i need answers like i really really want to fix my mistakes and make it up to some people and i just don't want to say sorry. Sorry fucking sucks without an action followed by it. I don't want it to be "someday" or whatever, tell me a way to make it up to someone cause i'm done with words, i want actions followed. It's hard when the other person doesn't tell you what it is or that "it's too late" cause i don't care, no matter what. I want to right my mistakes.
3 days
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11 days
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i want to ask cus like ive been lurking here around alot but wow alot of yall are quite sad, let this be ur vent zone. Ill actually try to listen and respond to each one of your guys problems. If you dont want to say it in public, my dms are also open or others are.
11 days
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*The Prevalence and Impact of Child Marriage on Sexual Abuse: A Socio-Legal Perspective*

- The purpose of this research is to bring more awareness to child marriage and child sexual abuse. To better understand on why it still exists to this day and why blah blah


IT IS NOT a phishy link, whoever said that in my previous comment. PLEASE educate yourself. Its weird im asking an illegal site this here but since someone also used to get respondents here, i thought also why not do that? Its okay.

We are doing this to just help remove the child marriage off my country, the phillippines where its still allowed sadly on some regions.
10 days
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Im autistic who struggles alot in social awareness and boundaries, I cannot genuinely understand why somethings are wrong like "okay i get it but why is that wrong?" and then u might explain to me a couple of times before i even get it. I have difficulty filtering thoughts before speaking, trouble picking the right words, or even just not realizing how something might come across to others. Cus ill think it just means what i say. Btw never mix up depression with this thing cus holy fuck i feel like its worst.
26 days