GIRL I AM SHAKING WITH RAGE ONLY BY READING THIS TOO That bastard literally destroyed ur life w/o any shame! I'm so sorry for u :( And any one of ur girls that won't believe u when u tell her, then she's not really a friend.. I hope this gets corrected and shut down before it reaches ur father reply
HELP- IM DYING LMAO WHAT i liked it tho
but tell us where is Mangago's mentioned hole is so we don't touch it accidently and have Mangadex chasing after us out of jealousy lol reply
I want this too (~‾▿‾)~ The servers i'm in are all over 10k members and since i'm like really new to discord, the large number makes it harder for me lol, i'm so down for any small community and finding besties :3 reply