Ellie's answer (3)

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Ellie 12 02,2020
I might be late in sending this but i just found it and i just want to say that i know exactly where you are coming from because i do exactly the same thing and i would always have feelings of shame and disgust with myself whenever i did that to people i really liked talking to. Although i am a bit or maybe a lot of an introvert i would really like......   reply
12 02,2020
yes, one of my friends suddenly started to avoid me at first I thought something happened to her and I was seriously worried but when I asked her she started to say unclear things and then she told me she will tell me later when she sorts out her thoughts but the way she talked just made me think that I was the reason for that so I asked her more a......   1 reply
10 08,2018
neither my family nor my friends know they don’t even know that I read manga except for my sis but she has no idea about the genre   reply
10 08,2018