DarthMondi's answer (8)

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in my opinion most webtoon storylines are too stretched out, while not making use of the possibility to deepen the character building and so on. so i kinda read a webtoon for a dozen of chapters and then loose interest. except for the really trashy/weird ones, which I enjoy a lot - dunno why :D   reply
28 01,2021
I wouldn't recommend to pierce ANY part of the body with a gun. When I was younger, even nose piercings were done with guns at the jewelry shops- and I was dumb and not informed enough to let them do this to me, also on my lobes. None of these gun-shotted piercings lasted. Even now, from time to time, the area tends to various problems, such as ski......   reply
26 12,2018
it is my first time reading this... dunno if i will get over it before next year >.   reply
12 12,2020
It depends. I don't believe that, talking about ones "most desired wish" , the first things that ppl will come to mind are wishes related to earth or humanity. Human "desire" is more self centered. If that wish was granted only for myself, it would be... to have luck in bad situations. For humanity... wisdom :)   1 reply
10 11,2018
brussels sprouts. the smell of it makes me want to stop eating immediately. mussels. Every other seafood is fine... but mussels.. no go.   1 reply
06 01,2024
going back to sleep, hoping this nightmare gonna end soon :p   reply
10 03,2019
fourtysomething, female, centre of germany... elemental school teacher and one child who is also very addicted to manga and anime. I read manga since i was 15, i stumbled upon shounen ai/yaoi when i was around 20. since then... addicted. ;)   reply
27 01,2019
Katou Sensei from Sensei no yasashi koroshi kata... I guess I'm done for... >.   2 reply
17 11,2018