Lauii's answer (5)

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If I can come out to my parents first   reply
12 08,2018
about penpals
Add me too! I’m 17 and I live in the UK! My username is @lauveriah - I’m probably more likely to answer on this account because it’s my art account lol.   reply
22 09,2018
Lauii 12 08,2018
It depends lol. If it's a woman, I feel like I'm more of an S, but with a man I feel like an M. I'm just weird that way lol.   1 reply
12 08,2018
Hiya! I'm British (time zones lol) and I'd love to be friends! My anime insta is @mini_amvs but I'm much more likely to answer on my art account on Instagram @lauveriah !!! Add me soon! (Also I'm currently out of my home country so my WiFi is super bad).   reply
12 08,2018
Ooh I'd love that! Mind I'm British and my time zone never seems to match up to anyone else's lol. But I'd love to chat yaoi with people.   reply
12 08,2018