hunkus's answer (6)

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wait im not usually active on this site when it comes to interacting w other people so like....... how do i dm........................ thanks gang   4 reply
28 07,2020
I play on my phone but my phone is a bit outdated, it's an iPhone 7S and it lags a lot lol so I have to have the graphics at lowest :/ Genshin on the PC runs smoother and it's quite a big game; get it on PC so you don't lose your limited phone space ^^   reply
07 06,2021
25 06,2020
op wants to be gay while not liking gays like damn what did lesbians ever do to you (ú_ù) it'd be a different situation if you were dysphoric regarding the whole "wanting to be a guy" situation, but based off of the fact that you only want to be a guy ,,, bc you're bored and just want to be gay,, is,,,,,,,,,,... please don't fetishize gay people......   reply
25 06,2020
about question
its to be expected when ur reading on an illegal site   reply
21 07,2021
I think sexual content is fine: what matters the most is that they are accurate respectful representations, and are not encouraging harmful tropes that will affect the lgbtq community (ie "straight to gay", sexual harassment, rape, pedophilia). after all, there's sexual content of heterosexual people too! but straight people often NEVER depict a g......   1 reply
27 06,2020
recently for me (around the last couple months or so), it's been "relationships right now are just very superficial." especially considering my age. I had a short relationship and some other experiences, but they've never worked out, and here's what I've taken from it. 1) i can't trust my feelings. the small crushes I develop can just as quickly va......   reply
20 06,2020