Yuzo's answer page 3 (82)

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People trying to show off how poor or how bad their life or situation is. It should not be a contest for who is in the worse living situation that’s hella dumb. “Oh you have ____ you must be rich, / could never afford such a thing.” That sucks man but we weren’t talking about _____ in the first place why tf bring it up?   reply
18 11,2023
hippopotamus...   2 reply
24 01,2024
natural selection's failure   1 reply
09 04,2024
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BRO omg imma RANT i got two FIRST the princess reincarnation/go back in time stories where EVERYONES in love and wants to kill for them??? I love me so princess girl kicks ass stories but wtf why are the brothers THAT protective like that shit lowkey and highkey incest creep vibes for real. its so dumb and cringe SECOND when the mc forgives the ml......   reply
02 11,2023
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12 10,2024
gay ass levi   reply
12 10,2024
I dance all the time and have learned so many choreos and still look wack af. I give off drunk stickbug vibes :( For what I’m surprised I’m good at is prolly getting bitches. I’m not super funny, I was kinda a downer until recently, I’m mediocre looking and my personality is kinda shit but still people like me. They gotta raise their stand......   1 reply
21 12,2023
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22 08,2024
where are we dropping next boys?   reply
22 08,2024
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Kiraide Isasete. I've reread it so many times I cant even count it just KEEPS GETTING BETTER. omg imma reread it rn   1 reply
27 08,2024
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Yeah it always feels shitty when I try to go here to distract myself from daily stress and people are fighting or being rude on here. It's best just to let negative people do their thing and focus on the people that lift you up. Sometimes if people are being obnoxious enough on here that it's bugging me I just go a few months avoiding the things se......   1 reply
27 08,2024
The harm is that people making up more things regarding gender makes it easier for people in power to deny transgender people care because people can argue that transgender people don't believe in gender and medical care isn't a necessity. I want the world to be a place where we can call ourselves whatever we want right now but there are people bei......   3 reply
22 days
Day 1,153 of being stuck in a locker full of perverts: Today is the day we finally started eating the people that won rock paper scissors in the first month in the locker. Of the winners we’ve eaten Jolene Kiara and Joseph. I didn’t really like Kiara so I didnt mind her but Jolene and and Joseph were my bros man.   reply
22 11,2023
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The other argument I’ve seen is that they only put their memories into the body of the kid they did not become become the kid but I don’t agree with it. Overall I like reincarnation stories without romance unless it’s purposely a romance genre. But like “The beginning after the end” they better fucking NOT add ANY sorta romance between hi......   2 reply
23 07,2023
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Gain weight. Have a proper sleep schedule. Keep things and myself clean. Show up to class. Talk to people even if I’m not “okay enough” to be introducing myself to others.   reply
31 12,2023
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You've got to let people take their own paths even if you would do it differently.   reply
21 09,2024
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30 01,2024
Im still in the old art phase ask me again in 6 years   reply
30 01,2024
short people   2 reply
11 08,2023
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10 08,2023
i don’t need drugs i’m tripping balls 27/4 already   reply
10 08,2023
hello! I've made friends by joining the discords that pop up every once n a while. There's multiple of them with hundreds of people in each of them so check em out if you want to. Just try not get caught up with the occasional drama and theyre pretty fun.   1 reply
26 05,2024
in 2015ish someone posted a screen recording of just scrolling through a yaoi manhwa on youtube that had like a hundred views or less and i reached the end of the videos they posted and in the comments there was someone who led me to the thief of free time mangago   reply
19 07,2023