broc's answer page 4 (112)

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about question
broc 18 07,2023
I’ve missed these kinda posts   1 reply
18 07,2023
about question
broc 03 05,2021
Isn’t it more like toast?   1 reply
03 05,2021
broc 24 04,2021
Yh that’s pretty fucked up @kickassalien idk how you live with yourself   2 reply
24 04,2021
waiting patiently for the forums to get messy   reply
20 07,2023
I’m too lazy to read the post   1 reply
20 07,2023
about question
broc 01 05,2021
I can fall asleep in two mins if I imagine that I don’t exist and my soul is just floating through space- it’s strangely therapeutic and calming   1 reply
01 05,2021
I understand what you are saying but at the same time I have no idea   reply
06 05,2021
I have a bone to pick with the French language as well smh   5 reply
02 05,2021
about lmao
broc 21 04,2021
I’m just not gonna leave my house, not that I would anyway but I’m just saying it to make a clear statement   reply
21 04,2021
broc 07 06,2021
call them gay   reply
07 06,2021
about question
Since 2018, it’s been 5 years I should be over this phase already   2 reply
19 07,2023
I said what I said   1 reply
23 04,2021
I assure you that I can not only ask for extra sauce I can also ask for extra EXTRA sauce, which I think says a lot more about my sauce intake than anything else   reply
29 04,2021
about question
broc 08 06,2021
you got me   1 reply
08 06,2021
about lmao
All about that bass by Ed Sheran, it was played at my grandads funeral and everytime I hear it I just wanna do a lap dance on everyone’s nan   1 reply
18 04,2021
about lmao
Crystal Meth   reply
12 04,2021
Your insides won’t get tanned   reply
24 04,2021
about question
broc 23 04,2021
Those cookies that websites always make you accept, yep that’s the shit   1 reply
23 04,2021
about lgbt
Yass, get into it worm doctor, go get your degree   reply
01 02,2021