Amemura Daihuku's answer (3)
If by this post you meant that shows that were originally had a straight couple as the main but in the more recent episodes/seasons they've been adding more LGBTQ+ characters and relationships and toning down on the original couple then I get how you might feel upset about it. I haven't watched the particular series you were talking about so I pers......
1 reply
10 06,2020
I'm not sure where you got the idea it was reclaimed in Japan but doing a quick google search I think you misunderstood something like this passage.
The term "fujoshi" is a homophonous pun on fujoshi (婦女子), a term for respectable women, created by replacing the character 婦 (pronounced fu), meaning married woman or lady, with the character ......
2 reply
02 12,2020
To be honest, "good artist" is very vague. Different people have different opinions of good and bad. For example someone who thinks Picasso or Monet is "good" may think that an "anime" style art like @sakanamochi (twitter) is "bad" or vice versa. As an artist myself I think that "good" for me would be if I am able to be proud (or at least satisfied......
2 reply
09 07,2018