Lilypad's question (3)

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about question
Lilypad 24 01,2025

Meow24 meowmeow meow meow meow meowmeow

Meowmeowmeow, meow 18. meowmeowmeow meow meow meow.

meowmeowmeow. 25 Meow meow meow meow, hiss meow hiss meow!

Meow meowmeowmweowmeow, meow meow meow meow meow.

Tldr: 24 meowmeow 18 meowmeow 25 hisshiss meow meow.
24 01,2025
about question
I never really realised how low my self-esteem was until I looked at a photo (0.5) a friend took of me recently and realised I didn't hate the way I looked. I actually liked it despite the angle and how it makes my eyes point outward. Before this would be something I would be begging for them to delete.

I scrolled through my camera roll and I couldn't find any photos I took of myself in the past at all. Besides acouple in group settings. It made me sorta sad but also happy at the same time? Idk.

Honestly didn't have anyone to share this with bc I don't really talk to my friends about stuff like that so why not just say this to a bunch of strangers.
14 01,2025
about question
Lilypad 24 01,2025
Aita meowmeowmewow, meowmeow.

Meow 24meow meowmeow 25meow meowmeowmeoe
Meowmeowmeow. Meowmeow, meowmeow meow meow meow. Meowmeow, meowmeowmeowmeow meow meow.

18meow meowmemowmeow! Meowmeowmeowmeow, meow meow meow meow.

Meowmeow aita?

Tldr: meow 25 meows meowsmeowmeow meow meow meow.
24 01,2025