CoolKid's answer (9)

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06 06,2021
My girlfriend was really into punchbuggies. Ya'know the game where you see a voltswagon beetle and you punch your friend? Anyway I was on a train and I saw one so I sent her a picture of it and was like "haha got you." She then turned the conversation into her breaking up with me. I know it wasn't the beetle's fault, but...   reply
06 06,2021
19, female, white, student, costa mesa CA, lesbian. Would read more yuri, but for some reason I like yaoi more. It tends to be funnier   reply
17 01,2019
about being gay
When I came out to my friends it wasn't a big deal, most of them were lgbtq+ and those who weren't were very accepting. There was only one friend who wasn't very accepting, but I knew that before hand and was prepared for her reaction. She didn't understand and slowly stop talking to me, but thankfully she was never cruel or mean about it. My mothe......   1 reply
27 06,2018
Honestly I prefer to bottom, but if my partner wanted me to top I would.   reply
12 01,2019
17 01,2019
I had my first kiss at 17. It was with a girl I had a crush on, but it wasn't great( ̄∇ ̄"). It was on a dare and we were leaning in to do it, but a mutual friend pushed our faces together, haha. It just kinda hurt and wasn't all that fun.   reply
17 01,2019
I think I was like 12 or 13? It was actually cause my friend was complaining cause I said owie and they thought I said yaoi, so I googled it lol   1 reply
17 01,2019
I was uncomfortable, like "Ah, I dont think I should be seeing this, but I really want to know what happens next." Now I'm super used to it!   1 reply
17 01,2019
Mine was fruits basket. I kept seeing it on netflix and I was like "That animation looks so cool! What is that?"   reply
17 01,2019
about penpals
Hi! You can call me Maroon! I'm 19 and my discord is dudebroname   reply
26 06,2018