PLUCK's question (1)

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is it just me or has anyone else been searching for new yaois/bls that are on the longer end/more emotionally investing to no avail? like things are really drying up lately... i have not had any luck with finding some reread worthy short djs or rom-commy manhwas ;( like i want the sexy stuff without it being too serious, rapey, or depressing, but still have it being interesting and engaging..

some of the stuff i like:
sign, bj alex, all about lust, oh my assistant, ameiro paradox (or just check out this list: )

also i get pretty picky (and i trust everyone else as viewers) and stick to reading ones that are 9.0+! let me know if you guys happen to have any suggestions :)

p.s. pls pls pls be sure that they arent any psychological/realy dramatic ones (not feeling it rn)
10 03,2021