anotherhour's answer (5)

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about penpals
Hey! Feel free to hit me up! I'm also looking for friends into that as well. My line is @anotherhour :)   reply
26 06,2018
about penpals
Hey! I would love to chat. My line is @anotherhour and I'll add you on insta!   reply
16 06,2018
Hey. I'm so sorry you are going through this. If you ever need someone to talk to about literally anything, feel free to message me and we can chat! I've been where you are multiple times, and it is always better when you have someone to talk to, even if they're a stranger. Don't give up!   1 reply
10 05,2019
about penpals
I'd love to chat! My line is @anotherhour   reply
17 06,2018