Fujoshi_Leeanna's answer (9)

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*Wiggle jiggle and swing my vertical stick lol   2 reply
03 04,2020
60% S 40%M lol   1 reply
28 04,2019
Hmm having to hide that I am pansexual and polyamorous from everyone around me. Feeling alone when surrounded by plenty of people.   reply
03 05,2019
Remember to clear your browser history, haha and never write down your passwords...   2 reply
01 08,2019
100% Fujoshi. Although I read a lot of Yaoi as well as watch BL anime... I do ship a lot of characters.   reply
13 06,2019
My very first anime was Sailor Moon. But what really got me into anime was Bleach. My first manga would have to be Viewfinder. I was curious when someone gave me the link to this website to finish the Bleach manga but I got distracted when I saw the word yaoi. Me being the curious person I am decided to click on the link... Let's just say I have b......   reply
03 05,2019
I have too many but: Ikkaku and Yumichika from Bleach The red king and (I forgot his name but) the guy who died from his squad in the anime K Project Kaname and Zero from Vampire Knight   reply
03 05,2019
Soooo 26 Fujoshi Pansexual I read pretty much everything..except shota   reply
29 04,2019