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For me these are mostly gen z brainrots; Crazy frog, muffin song, gummy bear, Rockefeller street+ all the popular nightcore remixes in general. I also liked dragostea din tae and caramella girls.
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12 days
Just a month ago they were plump and juicy but my lip balm work no more. Lips hurt so bad. Legit how to stop them from looking like chewed up meat?
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12 days
I am so mad. My class gc is full of jerks and their go to insult for women is "gO bAcK tO tHe KiTcHeN". What are some good insults that I can use, both irl and textual are welcome.
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13 days
I haven't been active in the forums for few months cuz of my exams, bish whats this? Yall couldn't wait for a few months, I was gonna be back!!! Nothing happens when I am online!!! Someone please tell me the entire tea. What happened? who lied? Who is fighting whom and who is winning?
Please I won't be able to focus on my tests if my curiosity isn't satisfied.
Please I won't be able to focus on my tests if my curiosity isn't satisfied.
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9 hours
If a rich person offered to make all your problems disappear in an instant, be it debts, family issues, lack of social connections, anything. Gave you all the money in the world...But was a raging misogynist and racist, they might not demean you but would look down upon your family and friends, Would you still date them? Like be completely honest?
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No, like before, long before, If I found out that a book has, non con behaviour, even mild teasing, a peck on the cheek—I would lose my shit. But now I can easily skim through the panels without even realizing what is actually going on in that scene.
I don't like whats becoming of me and I only realized that after rereading nerd project today. It's so sexy, so good and still manages to give me the butterflies with no non con scene in it. There is a lack of such books in general or in my space at least. Whatever I keep getting recommended is the same bull, like idk, I don't want to shame anyone, but I don't want to be desensitized to this shit. But at the same time I want to read what others are reading and most of it is grape.
I don't want these scenes to affect me mentally, but I also want to be able to enjoy works that most people enjoy, and unfortunately these types of works seem to be in demand. Idk what to do. On one hand I want to read what everyone is reading. But I also don't like the ick it gives me, I want more works without any of the grape shit. It used to be like this even when I was in school and me and my friends used to read wattpad and I didn't like bad boys, I didn't like mafias at that time, and I hated stupid girls who fell for their man after he had assaulted them. What I hated even more were people, my friends who used to find this shit hot. I couldn't tell them and when I did they always said that I was trying to be different. I just didn't like people who molested others and the shit that was popular on wattpad back in the day(idk about now) was just that. Constant slut shaming, harrasment, two timing mfs, playboys these things used to be so popular amongst my friends. I felt so left out, All the people around me liked these these books with these problematic tropes. A part of me wanted go be in on the fun. They looked like they were having so much fun. Then one of my friends once told me that "it was just fiction and it wasn't affecting anybody", so years later when I started reading bl, I initially skipped such panels but now I have become so used to it. My brain doesn't even ring any alarms like it used to while reading such stuff. It only comes to me late at night when I replay the events of my day. Idk what to do. I want to read more works like nerd project and netkama punch. Stories like these make me realize that you can have chemistry between your characters without having one of them literally be a grapist.
I don't like whats becoming of me and I only realized that after rereading nerd project today. It's so sexy, so good and still manages to give me the butterflies with no non con scene in it. There is a lack of such books in general or in my space at least. Whatever I keep getting recommended is the same bull, like idk, I don't want to shame anyone, but I don't want to be desensitized to this shit. But at the same time I want to read what others are reading and most of it is grape.
I don't want these scenes to affect me mentally, but I also want to be able to enjoy works that most people enjoy, and unfortunately these types of works seem to be in demand. Idk what to do. On one hand I want to read what everyone is reading. But I also don't like the ick it gives me, I want more works without any of the grape shit. It used to be like this even when I was in school and me and my friends used to read wattpad and I didn't like bad boys, I didn't like mafias at that time, and I hated stupid girls who fell for their man after he had assaulted them. What I hated even more were people, my friends who used to find this shit hot. I couldn't tell them and when I did they always said that I was trying to be different. I just didn't like people who molested others and the shit that was popular on wattpad back in the day(idk about now) was just that. Constant slut shaming, harrasment, two timing mfs, playboys these things used to be so popular amongst my friends. I felt so left out, All the people around me liked these these books with these problematic tropes. A part of me wanted go be in on the fun. They looked like they were having so much fun. Then one of my friends once told me that "it was just fiction and it wasn't affecting anybody", so years later when I started reading bl, I initially skipped such panels but now I have become so used to it. My brain doesn't even ring any alarms like it used to while reading such stuff. It only comes to me late at night when I replay the events of my day. Idk what to do. I want to read more works like nerd project and netkama punch. Stories like these make me realize that you can have chemistry between your characters without having one of them literally be a grapist.
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I tried everything but bjtch ass ugly hoe tongue won't stop licking every product off of them
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Annoying mfs who talk shit online but won't stand a chance in an actual dick fight?
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25 10,2024
Mine is. Well, nothing seems to go as planned and my current project group members are so full of shit. The shittiest man I do everything but I still get called shit cuz the teacher now knows tat these mfs just slacking while I do the working. Anyways. One positive thing that has happened recently, is that I got back in touch with a close friend of mine. its not that positive cuz we both are busy and she is lives in another city but one less thing to be depressed about. And one more miniscule change in my shit shitty shittiest life is that I notice me finally, like actually, not letting others walk all over me and not caring if I come across as rude. Finally stopped myself from automatically trynna come up with a 100 paragraph explanation so as to not hurt other people's feelings. Thats it.
Give me one shitty thing thats happened in your life to make me feel better and not lonely
(=・ω・=) and one positive thing for us to celebrate our existence
Give me one shitty thing thats happened in your life to make me feel better and not lonely
(=・ω・=) and one positive thing for us to celebrate our existence
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27 days
Chopping off bangs/front hair at home should be punishable by law. Like who allowed me-
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13 days
I was standing next to a desk, writing my name and student Id on my assignment that I was bout to submit. When I was done I quickly turned around to rush towards the teachers desk but I didn't know my friend was standing right behind me. I collided with her chest and fell right in front of two males and my ex bsf and her friends. I am so embarrassed. My ass hurts now. I am on my periods too man.
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What are some of the quote unquote, goody two shoes celebrities that everyone seems to adore but you don’t?
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Bish idc, take me away lord, take this vajayjay away. Someone also take my phone away.