Hajun, you said you were logging off forever two days ago but here you are slurping up all the attention you can get. You're an obsessive pathological liar. You deleted your main, but we all know you'll make a new acc and keep fucking up more friend groups. I hope everyone sees this warning and never has to go through what you put your ex-friends t...... reply
He's such a good friend that he shares their deepest darkest secrets on mangago for clout and sympathy. Only good guys share suicide and rape videos right? 3 reply
It's so funny when I see mfs pretending to be saints out here, while they're in dms calling people bitches, telling people to kts, jump, and attempt harder. Lol practice what you preach fake ass mf. 3 reply
I come back and Hajun is gone? Hajun, Kyaah, Nickshi, Uncle Dingdong, Mother, and all his other alts are deleted. What happened? Did he delete them all or did mgo finally IP ban him? 4 reply