FuckedMyWayUpToTheTop's answer page 1 (51)

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Touch grass and you might find one there   reply
14 06,2024
about question
Financially stable so I can bed rot and buy videogames and snacks   reply
05 11,2024
about question
I have a fetish for fucking taken men, and I discovered it when I fucked a married 30 something dude when I was 17, in his car. I also fantasize about my partner cheating on me and for some reason, the thought of someone else fucking him and liking him makes me like him even more. Blood play is nice and I used to go down on my bestie while she ......   13 reply
16 06,2024
This rant is as coherent as a webtoon plot   reply
24 05,2024
You give off annoying energy   2 reply
14 03,2024
about question
You must be very ignorant and dumb to not understand crisis is happening everywhere already. It's not loud and clear like in your favorite dystopian series, but it's there.   reply
12 01,2025
about question
- when there's cum leaking out after creampie and it's pushed back into the asshole - spit, especially wet kissing/spitting in mouth/saliva exchange EW, I hate this type of kissing both in BL and irl - when the bottom feels like their asshole is gonna rip, and the top doesn't give a fuck and continues - okay, so I know it's visually hot when th......   3 reply
18 11,2024
Uhm, with my pfp, hell no. Bateman might as well play with my intestines, and not from deep thrusting. But he's fine AF nonetheless.   reply
12 06,2024
about question
Amen to that, let's celebrate God and suck some dick, shall we!   reply
18 09,2024
about question
Girl, why would you be so careless in a strict, homophobic household?! Accept your fate, your dad will know you like reading about men fucking and you'll have to live with the consequences. I'm not a believer, but imma pray for you   1 reply
05 02,2025
about question
Bro go to a pro ana website. Why tf ask this stupid ass question on an illegal manga site lmao? If you have a goal, take it somewhere where it aligns. Rookie ignorance not to know caffeine makes you lose all appetite, especially on an empty stomach... But it will fuck your digestion up big time. Also, if you want to die, the stupidest thing is to ......   reply
29 days
about question
- cold ML, warm MC, but the ML has a soft spot for the MC - extroverted, but kinda distant MC, introverted, loving ML - gangster ML/MC, innocent/cute ML/MC (bonus point if the seemingly innocent ML/MC is crazier and more unhinged than the gangster ML/MC) - BDSM that's *consensual* and *everyone* enjoy it (I especially love detached, cold masters th......   reply
19 days
about cosplay
My mom tbh   1 reply
19 08,2024
about question
Seems like your ex took advantage of you while you were so blackout drunk and assaulted you (you mistook him for your current bf and wouldn't have consented to sex with him if you were sober). Did you give consent while still not drunk or were you super drunk from the beginning until the end? What your ex did is scummy at best and basically rape, ......   reply
18 08,2024
about question
Sigh. Okay, here we go. I was at a low point, and not proud of any of this. Still, you're free to think of me as a piece of shit, it's only fair. This dude I met at a party basically signaled to me the whole time he wants to take me back to his place and fuck. Fast forward, while we were at it, he confessed to me he had a girlfriend, but had his......   reply
14 03,2024
about question
Any Haruki Murakami book. His books shaped me in many ways, more than I'm willing to admit, and I still think about some of the lines or characters in them. Peak post modern literature   1 reply
10 08,2024
about question
You seem very butthurt, making this post and all. Master of yappery   1 reply
28 09,2024
about cosplay
You're literally the standard. An NPC. In the purest form of it, without being mean, just stating a fact. People who really care, who have true passions and want to achieve stuff, who build companies, who move societies and the world, who have a strong inner drive, who have a vision, are rare for a reason, and are one of a kind. You're one of milli......   1 reply
14 07,2024
about question
I'm more interested in my special interest/hyperfocus topic than my loved ones and family. I drop all my responsibilities and can't manage my every day life cause of it. I don't care much if people feel like they aren't a priority for me.   reply
27 09,2024