A Certain G.I.R.L.'s answer page 1 (27)
First, remember who is the most important person in the world... Your loved one? Wrong, you.
Your life is your own and you should love yourself first and foremost. Don't ignore others, don't be afraid of hurting yourself for the sake of others, don't hurt others... But remember that you are the most important person in the world, always.
19 05,2018
I prefer Ukes, they are cuter and I can relate to them a lot easier~
I think my boyfriend would be a Seme if he wasn't straight though, so... It's like, I prefer the Ukes because I can relate to them, but the Semes are the hotest~
11 05,2018
Trans girl here (MtF), I just wanted to say that... You need to get off your high horse.
Dunno about your situation, but mine is that I have a boyfriend (LDR) that is 100% straight and can't even consider being attracted to a man, so our relationship is filled with a constant fear of him not loving me once we meet because he might have 0 physical ......
11 05,2018
Violated, I'd puke at the thought of violating someone.
That said, I did have some rape play with my boyfriend before and... It was absolutely terrifying, I came more than once during it, but it was really really scary... I don't want to go through that ever again.
And I honestly recommend the same for anyone else... Being raped seems hot in fant......
03 07,2018
Mine was pretty bothersome tbh (for the record, I'm MtF trans, but I wasn't aware of it back then), me and my boyfriend broke up back when I was 20, and I was so emotionally devastated that I could only stay home crying every day and could no longer leave my house to go to university.
After staying some 2 months like that I lost the uni semester a......
17 06,2018
I'm a... Sort of virgin I guess? As in, I technically am a virgin, but don't consider myself as such.
I am on a LDR with my boyfriend, and we've had cybersex a fair amount of times and I'd definitely have sex with him IRL in case he was up for it.
We have never met so far though, and it probably won't happen in the near future because I'm very un......
1 reply
15 05,2018
Personally speaking, I think you should wait not for marriage, but for the right person.
You are important and you should cherish yourself! Don't let anyone say otherwise!
Sex before marriage is a totally okay thing, but you shouldn't just go having sex with anyone, it has nothing to do with your virginity, but with the fact that it's a very pre......
1 reply
23 05,2018
Honestly? It would be the happiest day in my life, the first thing I would do would be entering discord and telling my boyfriend: "OMG I became a girl! We don't need to worry about you not being attracted to me anymore!!!"
Providing a bit of context, I'm transgender (MtF) and dating a guy I met online, we're currently on a LDR and together for alm......
1 reply
10 05,2018
Absolutely not!!!!!!! >.<
I'm pretty terrible at taking care of my hair tbh, it's pretty short atm and I'm letting it grow, also it's super curly and I'd love to have straight hair, so I don't really like it much...
Still, I'd rather have a hair I hate a thousand times over having a shaved head! No way no way no way!!!! >.<
I absolutely love lon......
1 reply
15 05,2018
Eeeeeeeeeeeeh? Those people just don't understand! Ignore all of them!
... I mean, don't ignore them, just ignore their opinion on this subject, ignore people important to you is bad! >.<
Back when I wasn't aware I was trans, my friends always looked at me a bit weirdly when I started fangirling over shoujo stories, but they never called me out ......
1 reply
10 05,2018
There is no right answer, so I can just give my own personal one.
Talk to her about it, be honest and tell her exactly what you are feeling, explain your whole thought process and just open up about the whole thing and try understanding where it is coming from, you don't need to find an answer.
Talk to other people to, people close to you, people......
10 05,2018
I personally avoided sexual content like plague by your age, but I did that until I had sex for the first time (I was 20 by then), so I don't think I can count as the norm! xD
In any case, I think you don't need to worry about age, just keep in mind that this is fiction and that you shouldn't take the concepts within this to reality.
It is enter......
10 05,2018
There isn't anything wrong with being single and being happy, make sure to enjoy your life to the fullest!
However... You said you do want to get married, I'm assuming this means you also want to have children? In this case you need to start thinking of your biological clock a bit. (I'm assuming you're a girl, you can ignore most of what I said ot......
2 reply
16 05,2018
I'm into BDSM, but my boyfriend is not, so we don't really do it much... My experience is also kinda weird because I'm in a LDR, so the times we did have some BDSM experience was all through cybersex, which is probably pretty weird for most people... But well, we had it anyway. I'm a very submissive girl btw~
Back when we started having sex we had......
26 05,2018
I'd be living my life's dream I guess? I would mostly be the same, but without needing to hide the fact I want to be a girl because I'd be a girl in the first place.
And I would be happy that I wouldn't need to worry if my (LDR) boyfriend would still like me when he saw me because he is into girls and I would be a girl.
Basically... Yeah, I'd be ......
07 06,2018
Personally speaking, I never met anyone like that, but I think I can understand their feelings.
Back when I started dating my boyfriend, I was the happiest girl in the world and wanted to express my happiness to all corners of the world, I wanted everyone to know how happy I was and wanted them to stop everything they were doing to give me the att......
03 06,2018
Well, I'm a trans girl, so I'd obviously never ever think it would be nice to be a man, because I wouldn't be trans otherwise, but...
I'm 100% bottom! I love being done by my boyfriend and let him have total control over me! I like being tied up and waiting for him to have his way~
1 reply
23 05,2018
Ah, honestly? I felt pretty desperate while single.
As in, back when I had never had a boyfriend, I was pretty chill and didn't worry about dating at all, but after I got my ex, I got suuuuuuuuper depressive and needed lots of help from family and friends to get up, and still felt quite bad and kept on loving him for some good 18 months, it was on......
11 05,2018
Hmmmmmm... I have a very weird relationship with them? As in, my last boyfriend was against homosexuality, transsexuality and other things like that, so we broke up when he found out I was trans... At the same time, we're still close friends and talk to each other normally... As in, I'm not sure if he fits in the description of homophobic, but he i......
11 05,2018
Right now I wouldn't, but I would totally go if my boyfriend broke up with me! >.< (yes, I'm very dependent on this relationship, way more than I should)
Which anime I would go to though...? Honestly, it doesn't matter much, pick any modern setting slice of life one, the ones without any catastrophe or superpowers involved, pretty much the same as......
24 05,2018