Mar's answer (7)

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Mar 03 01,2021
Here's some.. hope they help   reply
03 01,2021
about question
As someone who passed AP calc with a high B while never really looking back at my notes and having known people in the past who required the complete opposite to even pass, all I can say is find a dedicated friend who can keep you on track at that point. I did it for them and it failed first in elementary bc she literally would forget it the next d......   1 reply
12 10,2023
I thought it was gonna be something that also involved blood/pain but it's just random cartoon cp. Not that the cartoon cp isn't bad since its also wtf bad, but its just not necessarily scarring material for me since I'm aware that it's someone's messed up fiction story xd. It'd be a different story if it was real cp . Anyway, I just skimmed theoug......   1 reply
09 10,2023
I got Alpha . Tbf I could totally be that rare af actually decent alpha . Just glad not omega... if I had to be one of the two I just rather be the one able to protect smthn just by the look on my face... I do actually have a "no bullshit" face/personality   reply
31 12,2023
Mar 06 10,2023
I don't have a favorite song but here are 2 extremes of things I listen to lmao- One Day Like This by Elbow [alternative/Indie], Death Rites by twentythree [Rap] ( < in case you dont use spotify. I'm super picky when it comes to rap. Majority of my stuff is rock-related to folky to some country toa bit of m......   1 reply
06 10,2023
Girl you might as well go fetch him irl LOL. The specifics are as high as an opera singer on helium. Anyway, personally I love this manga to death and I think similar enough vibes to the above may roughly apply: Girl: Serious but in a bold/Not gonna settle for bullshit way, makes for a fun dynam......   1 reply
07 10,2023