Lemon Candy! >ᴗ<'s answer page 3 (70)

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yk everything is pretty correct except me having a lot of empathy and staying calm.. my adhd ass could never. I'm not sure about me always keeping secrets as well but it depends on a person   reply
20 03,2024
My 15th image lol..   reply
25 05,2024
Me rn (I think) How I wanna look: I'm not sure if I want dyed hair or not so if I did look like this I'd wear extentions or a wig (hence short hair but my hair all ready looks like that, it's just in braids/cornrow) (Don't mind the random pink crap in the hair in the 1st 1 :p)   reply
25 04,2024
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Ty everyone who answered!! I'm actually a lil surprise nobody took this post as a joke or just ignored it! (And did not expect ppl to read the whole yap session..) I'm rly grateful to everyone and hope you guys are doing well :3 This is actually the 1st time I got some good advice from others so I'll remember this!!   reply
29 04,2024
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I played AND watched a game play, last year aswell btw, I'm generally upset I didn't get all the deaths but it was really enjoyable, I played on my dying laptop :D   1 reply
29 02,2024
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13 days
Aww yeh a picrew️ My stupid username, a crazy witch and a cat theif :p   reply
1 days
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Ain't no way I was making myself it would've been to accurate take my stupid username instead. Update: they still hate me. -_-   reply
22 days
This was fun :3 (I literally made up a story for each of the 4 images)   reply
2 days
My indecisive ass ofcourse has multiple fav characters soo. 1) Tsukasa Yugi- I'M COOKED, ONE SENTENCE THAT EXIT HIS MOUTH I'M GETTING PUT ON LIFE IN PRISON. OR WHATEVER HE SAYS HAS NOTHUNG TO DO WITH WHY I'M HERE. Bro I saw this man in court before, this man is NOT gonna defend my ass. 2) Luffy- He's literally a criminal as well, we'll both end u......   reply
18 days
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My advice is what I do everyday, be delusional and also try your hardest (I don't do that) but like once you do enough maybe it'll get you somewhere. _| ̄|● Hopefully you get another chance of getting your dream job op ( ノ^ω^)ノ (Idk what else to say)   reply
6 days
Dadadan, if it isn't then I'll actually be a little pissed. (I'm waiting for the anime to release so the fandom grows more.)   1 reply
27 days
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Alright. An alien plush profile picture except make it extremely eye blinding I'm talking eye destroying, I'm saying a bunch of colourful effects like sparkles, stars, basically like hyperpop or Internet aesthetic ig.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ (If that is to much which it probably is a "super kawaii a desu >   2 reply
19 03,2024
"Kotaro lives alone." It's worth it. Also "toilet bound hanako kun" ☆   2 reply
16 days
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I wanna either go in to design, buisness/marketing or music, by the looks of things I'm gonna die homeless or broke af. Though maybe my oppssesion with money will do something to help.   1 reply
05 06,2024
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This is so relatable and I'm mad af that I only get to see my cat 2weeks in a month (she's literally my daughter who has a bad attidude but I spoil her anyways cause she can do no wrong)   reply
27 days
Ain't no WAY this is gonna happen + I barely look like this but yeh.   reply
27 days
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Damn.. This seems like something I'd do in the future so sure - sent on a Samsung   reply
19 05,2024
Lemon Candy is Male, has purple long hair, brown eyes, is 1.64m tall and is an otaku. (This is so off about the oc I have for my user lmaoo)   1 reply
27 days
about question
I recently been listening to a lot of "mother mother" (a band) even tho it's 2024, so I'll recommend "love and truth" by them aswell as "Oleander" :3 I'm also a vocaloid fan and I believe you should listen to the Servant of evil and the Daughter of evil if you haven't already!! I would give more but I don't rly know if you want a specific like lyr......   1 reply
29 02,2024